New Song. Framus Cobra, EZ Drummer...

Erik Monsonis

Nov 18, 2006
Mexico City

What do you think about the mix? I don't have studio monitors, only a 10€ pair of headphones and a hi-fi (wtf? hi??) system.

Any comment would be appreciated.

Guitars are 4 tracks of Framus Cobra, with Line6 Toneport cab simulation (Treadplate 4x12 with 67 Condenser mic, 0 room).

Bass is Broomstick Bass, gibson thunderbird.

I hope you like it!!


I've recorded it again, this time using some impulses instead of Line6 Stuff.
I used the Harley Benton v30s impulse, the one named "alasneap".
Then I added extra EQ, low-pass at 9Khz and hi-pass at 80hz. Added some beaf at 150hz with Waves LinEQ Lowband.

I was trying to imitate Mercenary/Deadlock sound and I think I've come close enough. From that sound I made my own.

What do you think of it now?

- Guitar only sample.
- Full song.
Well, I tried micing, but i only have 1 sm57, so, no Fred Technique.
And my soundcard is a Line6 Toneport, so, no decent mic preamp.

I tried with impulses, but it sounds too scooped...

Thanks for the advices! ;)

Do you not want to re-amp/re-track the guitars with more mids to make the impulses sound less scooped, because they will almost definitely sound better and more realistic than the pod cam sims.