What do you guys think of this metalcore-type guitar tone? (Framus Cobra)


Apr 24, 2009
Bath, UK
Hey guys,

A mate of mine came round with his Framus Cobra the other day, and we ended up recording a few on-the-spot riffs with it. Now, I've owned a Cobra in the past, and jammed around with this particular one several times too, but for some reason that day the Cobra sounded way more awesome than I've heard a Cobra sound before.
We recorded using a Cobra poweramp/Dragon cab impulse I found. To my ears, it sounded extremely authentic to the sound in the room. The riffs were tracked really quickly and without a noise gate so they are sloppy, and there is no bass on there. Also, the clip isn't mixed at all really, I just made sure that the guitars are suitably audible. Excuses over, here's the clip:

http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/790683/Buffting Cobra.mp3

The guitar used was an LTD MH-1000, with the stock Seymour Duncan JB bridge pickup, tuned to drop-B. There is minimal post-eq (high and low pass, then small wide-Q boosts at around 6500khz and 150hz). We used the Crunch channel of the Cobra, boosted with a Xotic effects BB preamp. I snapped a pic of the settings on my phone, I can upload it if people would like)


nolly, nice to have here ! ;-)

still jealous how you play all the sikth songs on youtube :OMG:

i really hate framus amps, i have to admit.
we had a framus dragon, just too dry and at the same time "fizzy"....

i feel the cobra sounds too thick and undefined.
seems like there is a problem with the lower mids ?

maybe try a c4 and compress/lower the 2nd band a little.
Sounds good Nolly, though I sense a bit of "boxiness" in the sound and the low-end on the guitars is kind muddy. Maybe some eq'ing would do the trick? (High pass and a low pass?)
It sounds really nice. I like the character. Wonder where the Tone Stack center is.....? ;)

Maybe too much gain, too much sag, I don't know. Very nice though.
Sounds really muffled and overly middy to my ears...pretty heavy/pounding riffage though, I dig it! And yeah, I hear the metallic tonality to it as well now, though I can't say I like it :/
Thanks for all the feedback guys!
It's not necessarily the kind of tone I'd go for my own music, but I feel like it has just the right character for more metalcore riffing. Definitely sounded great in the room.
Will definitely try moving the high pass up a bit, and compressing the low end a tad, that could be what it needs to clear up the bass.
Cheers again!
