New Song - It's Always Now (Revalver, Recabinet, S2.0 + Slate kick)

man, those drums and guitars sound increible! i love music style...i´m going to record some similar soon.:D

could you share guitar settings and post-processing?
i love guitar sound, sure.
Wow, another great track from you. On this one, you've definitely achieved that very natural, "in the room" sound, similar to Foo Fighters. I am really digging it. Again, I'd love to post this one to the Recabinet Media page if that's cool with you. Totally rocking track!!!
Feels like it could use a little bit more of the low end in the bass. Also the string sliding noises in the riff that starts at :45 seconds is really distracting.
Holy shiit this sounds very pro produced!! Something that was a big label production...drums are huge! Love the song. Only thing for me that could give it away are the crashes at times have a bit of a mechanical feel to it but damn this sounds freaking good, IMO everything blends extremely well, sounds very very pro. That guitar tone you got, fuck, sounds amp'd to me! I agree ^ fill out the low end a little more.

And how are you getting that sound out of revalver?! Screenshots please :)
Thanks for the feedback guys. Kazrog: You can use this song for your site. I used Revalver MkII (because I think the Dual Rec sim is better than the one on MkIII). I love Recabinet because you have a billion impulses to choose from so there's always bound to be at least one impulse that suits what you need.

I agree that there could some more bass. I eq'ed some out because the songs I was referencing had less bass but also because I wanted to hide the shameful pitched shifted bass haha. I'm really considering the $100 craigslist bass, but I'm only here in New York for one more month.