New Song - Nuke Stars Hollow (RevMKIII S2.0)

Great tune! And excellent sound, at least to my ears. How did you get these fat toms?? In never came close to that heavy sound with S2 :/
Hey dude! i like the melodic style and the weird sound effects!
and i really liked that random acoustic change! lol!

Nice job!
Thanks everyone for the feedback! The preset is below. In addition to what you see, go to the amp tweaks and raise the voltage to 4.7 (this is a very important step) and edit the character of the last tube to Round (it should say no character by default). This is actually a hybrid tone of FrankZappa's and Behindert's presets. The bassbox is really cool. I also did the standard high-pass on the guitars with a slight 3k boost and a slight mid-range cut. I might ease on the high-end boost though since I think that's what's causing the guitars to be a little harsh.
