New song just added to

Rate the song

  • 1 It sucks

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • 2 Wouldn't Download it again

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • 3 I've Heard worst

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4 Not really my style

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 5 Some good parts

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • 6 It's Ok

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • 7 well written

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • 8 Good Job , well done

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • 9 Very satisfying to the ears

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • 10 Why aren't you guys fuckin signed ?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I like the song, i voted #8.
Theres the Opeth influence in there, i can hear some new Death and Anathema maybe? One part sounds like Final Fantasy (!).
Anyways, at first i thought the song was too long but now i think its pretty good the way it is. How many guitars? 2?
Im listening to Her black Portrait now. Its pretty fucking good. Did u use a drum machine? Ill listen to the other songs too and ill give u feedback.
Yeah , sucks that we have to use a drum machine because we can't find a drummer good enough in newfoundland . 2 guitars in some parts , I recorded it like a few hours after I wrote the song , then I re-recorded it so it would sound better , added a few harmony's here and there . Just askin but , what part sounds like final fantasy ha ha .

Thanks for the comment's .

Another one that is sort of like DA is ...of silence , I can't really tell you which one is better , all of our instrumentals are nothing less then good I think , well to my ears anyway .
Yeah im in a band too and we cant find a drummer either.
Fucking capital of Canada. hahaha
The part at 1:40 or 2:40 sounds like Final Fantasy.
Maybe i was just being paranoid :p

I just listened to ...of silence and indeed it is depressing.
Damn you!!! :)
Originally posted by Confessor
Yeah im in a band too and we cant find a drummer either.
Fucking capital of Canada. hahaha
The part at 1:40 or 2:40 sounds like Final Fantasy.
Maybe i was just being paranoid :p

I just listened to ...of silence and indeed it is depressing.
Damn you!!! :)

Ha ha , Depressing is just the way I like it . Happy instrumentals aren't fun , but then again the into to divinty aflame sounds a bit happy . but not really .
What time is it out there? 3am?
Im fucking tired....
Though i am still listening to your stuff, gotta hang on to hear good music.... :)
Gotta ask this question: On what did u record your songs? an 8-track? your computer?
The remixed songs are better sounding, do u have a fucking soundboard?? U RICH BASTARD!!! :grin:
Ha ha , soundboard would be nice , he he . Actually we use a very small program on a home computer called Saw Plus 32 , it's illegal for us to use . If the average person recorded with it , they would get the shit's of sound , but after a few years a Ryerson University , our singer and guitarist know what he's doin . 3:30 now actually , and i'm a bit tired to , you got any mp3's up of your band anywhere I can listen to while i'm startin to fall asleep .
Yeah i dont wanna go to school just for that :p
Weve got one song recorded, just guitars and bass though.
And its not the final version so.
Tomorrow, well today, i might have 2 more songs recorded, this time with a singer but still no FUCKING DRUMS!!
dammit :mad: :p

Downlaoded and listened. I haven't heard your others yet. Personally, when I listen to music, I have a few criteria.

1. Fullness
2. Speed - if it's slow, it needs body : if it's fast, it needs to be clean
3. Intellect behind the music - not just a "quicky"
4. If there are several mood changes during the song, I look for a decent bridge : if the song doesn't change, it needs #'s1-3 above.

Before I answer this question , I would like to ask you one:
When you made this song, what were you attempting to tell the listener? What mood were you looking for? What's your vision of this song?

Once I know this, then I can answer by letting you know if your complete "message" came across. I liked the song, but I can't be critical until I know more.
Originally posted by metalmancpa

Downlaoded and listened. I haven't heard your others yet. Personally, when I listen to music, I have a few criteria.

1. Fullness
2. Speed - if it's slow, it needs body : if it's fast, it needs to be clean
3. Intellect behind the music - not just a "quicky"
4. If there are several mood changes during the song, I look for a decent bridge : if the song doesn't change, it needs #'s1-3 above.

Before I answer this question , I would like to ask you one:
When you made this song, what were you attempting to tell the listener? What mood were you looking for? What's your vision of this song?

Once I know this, then I can answer by letting you know if your complete "message" came across. I liked the song, but I can't be critical until I know more.

This isn't english class man . What do you meen by the mood . I can't tell what mood you'll get from the song , you find that out yourself , somepeople may say it's very depressing , other's may say that it's more uplifting . To me it's more depressing than anything else . There isn't any lyrics in the song so there's not much to be told .
Originally posted by warsofwinter
This isn't english class man.

No shit, Sherlock. But in the case you haven't yet noticed, allow me to let you in on a secret: we here on the Opeth forum are liable to ponder everything maybe too thoroughly. :)

There isn't any lyrics in the song so there's not much to be told.

Oh, but don't you think the melody can deliver a message?

[/morning irrability caused sarcasm]
Hey Wars, I listened to your song. I liked it. Good guitar work and some interesting ideas there. Just thought I'd offer you some constructive criticism, since I'd hope that you don't ask for opinions to recieve praise only. Like I said you have some good ideas there but as a whole the song seems kind of dull. In an instrumental especially, you need to capture the listener with variety in the song. In yours you have 2 guitars playing with the same tone with absolutely nothing else for 6+ minutes. It ends up making the song sound like a jam session or just some guy on a guitar improvising. If you were to add more to it, say some drums in parts, some synths, different-toned guitars, use of more effects, etc. it would make for an interesting instrumental. I think the whole thing would sound better with an acoustic or even better with some sort of combination of acoustic and electric. The first 2 min. or so would sound a lot better with more reverb. Every once in awhile the timing and tuning seems to be just a tad off. Overall, like I said, I did like it. It's got kind of a dark folky type of vibe. It just needs to be much more developed. You could do some cool things with using this as your base. Just wondering, did you both write and perform this song or was this a solo type of thing for you?
Originally posted by Soul Forlorn
Hey Wars, I listened to your song. I liked it. Good guitar work and some interesting ideas there. Just thought I'd offer you some constructive criticism, since I'd hope that you don't ask for opinions to recieve praise only. Like I said you have some good ideas there but as a whole the song seems kind of dull. In an instrumental especially, you need to capture the listener with variety in the song. In yours you have 2 guitars playing with the same tone with absolutely nothing else for 6+ minutes. It ends up making the song sound like a jam session or just some guy on a guitar improvising. If you were to add more to it, say some drums in parts, some synths, different-toned guitars, use of more effects, etc. it would make for an interesting instrumental. I think the whole thing would sound better with an acoustic or even better with some sort of combination of acoustic and electric. The first 2 min. or so would sound a lot better with more reverb. Every once in awhile the timing and tuning seems to be just a tad off. Overall, like I said, I did like it. It's got kind of a dark folky type of vibe. It just needs to be much more developed. You could do some cool things with using this as your base. Just wondering, did you both write and perform this song or was this a solo type of thing for you?

As I said before I always welcome these type's of response's , i'd rather see somebody say "you should of done this or that and hte song would of been better" than somebody say " yeah cool song man" . I'm actually still workin on that song so it's not really 'complete' , but when the final version is maybe i'll make this thread come alive again and post the final version up , I can add some of the things you said to it to . or maybe somebody could be the geust musician on this song and add some other things to it if they like , I have the tab , i'll add it as an atachment .


Sorry about my previous post - I think too much sometimes. Being I'm only a keyboard player, and not a writer, I always assumed (yeah - the ass u me thing) that writers had a "vision" when they wrote a song. Obviously, tha's not always true.

So - I liked the song, but I felt I was left hanging at the end. The song started to build, but to me, I guess not quite enough.
Well this song is going to be one our second album which is a very heavy album so far , and after listening to all that the song will sounds very different and better , hopefully by the time we deside to release that album on we'll already have a label and be able to record it in a studio , ahhhh studio