New song/neeeeeeeed input Johnny 5

K Odell

Jan 23, 2006
Greensboro, NC
So yeah I have been killing myself trying to finish this song for the past 2 weeks. Anyways I know the overheads are way too loud, but can you guys offer any other advice on way I could make the mix/maybe even the song better? Like structural help and all that Jazz.
Thanks dewds,
Love the thread title dude (More input! :lol: ) Let's see; first, the kick is too loud, and possibly too clicky (though if it were brought down in volume it'd probably be alright), which is very distracting. Music is pretty cool; I really like the synths and the atmosphere they create (what program(s) did you use?), though while this is a cool example of it, the whole "play the same lick repeatedly while changing the chords under it" thing has gotten a little old for me. The dissonance/chromaticism of the next riff is a bit jarringly out of place right after such a melodic part IMO, though I know KSE does it a lot (e.g. End of Heartache prechorus, My Curse), so I can see why you'd dig it ;) Sweet guitar harmony btw, and good vibrato! (a very underappreciated but essential technique IMO) Guitars are a bit thin sounding (and digital) but good otherwise, and if there's a bass track in here, I'm having a hard time hearing it!
Yeah I agree the kick is waaaaaayyy too loud, as are the overheads. The synth stuff is just stock sounds in Logic along with some heavily effected guitars. I know the heavy riff seems a bit weird but thats what I wanted as the vocals are more what this song is written for. So I wanted to do like polar opposites with the whole like super heavy to super melodic. Thanks for the props on the harmony shit although I am not real sure I am digging it yet. And I totally agree with you that vibrato does not get enough attention. Vibrato is one thing I work on a ton. And there is a bass track but it may be getting lost bc of the loud fucking kick drum. I am gonna go and try and fix some of this jank and repost it.
Is it just me or does that 40 second intro get a bit boring, also the fact that it loops odd number of cycles (9) is bit annoying, maybe shorten it to 20-25 secs or so? I would want to hear additional rhythm guitars for some wall of sound near 1:27-1:40. I don't kinda dig the guitar part at 0:41-0:15, its just so overused. and less snap on the kick and more bass guitar.

And plz, don't drive the master bus so hard against the limiter. Its really annoying to hear constant distortion. You can add the volume later on.
Well I messed with the structure a bit but cant post it yet as I am not done. I agree with pretty much everything said except the intro length. The main reason its so long and repeats an odd number of times is because of the vocal pattern over top of it. But yeah I am tweaking out the structure a bit right now and getting some scratch vocals for it.