NEW SONG! Please give advice


Orpheus: Melodic Death
Mar 9, 2008
Hey guys! This is a mix I did from a song my band recorded yesterday. I'm actually thinking I like this mix, a little squashed sounding in my ears but overall it's probably some of the best sounds I've gotten so far.
Advice and critique wanted thanks guys :)
*Ps: It's a melodeath song XD* Song3
it sounds to me like the guitars could be a little tighter in spots. some of the notes on the bass are insanely loud and some arent. not a big fan of the guitar sound either but if you like it then sweet man. sounds good other than that to me.
Honestly, Soundclick is hard to judge by. I know what it's done to my recordings before, so I'm sure this sounds better as an mp3 or wav. Having said that, I'm liking the song.
How many do you have written and rehersed with the band now?
Hey Nebulous, written and rehersed 3 now XD
I re-uploaded the song with keys and some more mixing!
Check it out!
We will also be gigging soon hopefully, we have some battle and a DEFINITE gig August 16th! But should be hooking some up in a month or so, cheers dude!
guitars sound a bit too gainy for my taste... i think a bit less gain would help the notes come out a bit more easily... I agree about some notes from the bass being more 'bassy' than others the.. snare... well, I personally find it kinda 'meh'

of course, this is not as bad as I make it sound to be... overall, good job, man! :)
Keys sound a bit too loud for me, and to be honest I'm not a fan of the vocals in the slightest. Vocalist has no emotion.
Overall, it sounds good. I'm not a big fan of the snare, but it's not bad. I just have one real critique: I'm not a fan of ultra-dry mixes...but this is a little too wet sounding for my tastes. It sounds like there's reverb on the rhythm guitars. Just my opinion...I'd lose that. It takes away from the definition of the notes. That's all. Again, that's just my personal taste, and that may be the sound you wanted.

Good job!
haha, that's me on vocals :P Yeh, not my best performances, I was going for a Dark Tranquility sorta vibe :P As for the rhythm guitars, I'll take care off that thanks for that advice, and keys too loud eh, well I have a muck around with that also :)
Haha nice dude. I'd say the whole mix could use some more definition. All but the vocals sound distant, even though they also have a decent amount of verb on them too.

As for the vocals, they remind me of when I try to growl quietly. I wouldn't know how to fix that, I've ceased growling because I know that my technique was fucknig my throat up.
Hey chris,

I agree about the vocals. Sounds like they're very uninvolved emotionally and just kind of matter of fact and not pushing the song one way or the other.

I see the new amp is starting to work for you.

The mix on the whole needs work in many ways (IMO) but getting into all that would take ages so all I can give is a few starting pointers.

Work on making the drums more prominent (easiest way is by turning their volume up, to start with). They sound very triggered and that of course doesn't lend much movement to the song.

Try cutting some mids on those rhythm guitars in choice places (after you sort out your drums first). You'll find that your vocals will slot in much easier this way, and you won't need nearly as much verb to add space to the mix.

If you can't improve on the vocals in any way soon, I'd say try overdubbing them, maybe doubletrack the whole way, or add dubs in choice bits where you want more punctuation.

Less verb on lead guitars. Keys should fit fine after the rest of the mix is sorted.

I always work by strengthening the core first. So drums and bass are critical to get sitting well. Next make sure your rhythm guitars aren't dominating too much of the frequency spectrum, and then worry about all the fine details later.

Good luck.
Thanks for the advice dude XD
I really appreciate it, I know that theres a lot to learn and work with for me at the moment and I hope my future recordings will keep improving as I continue to learn more :)
I've already learned heaps from this forum and you guys are such a great help! Cheers XD
Ermin, seriously dude! Eye of the enemy! Farking MAD recordings :P
Thanks Chris. Was quite an experience working with those guys. After that EP was done though I'd started doing clearer, punchier and more articulate metal mixes until my hearing went down the drain. Recently I've started mixing again and things are looking up a bit. Starting to regain the footing slowly.

Yes, it takes a lot of time. I'm sure you're more than capable to get good at this, you just need to have patience, perseverance and of course always keep an open mind. Think of your hearing as your skill at an instrument. You need to keep honing it to know what to listen for. It'll help you as a musician as much as it does with just recording and production.
haha cheers, im definitely going to stick this out XD its awesome stuff man, such a feeling when mixing are good, or gettin better either way :P
u got msn dude? I never asked!