New song! Real Drums, real amps & pro Mastering!


New Metal Member
Mar 5, 2008
Madrid, Spain
Sooooo, this is my latest attempt recording & mixing a band with a really low tuning (A)

Guitars were Ibanez 7 string RG (dont remember model) & LTD 7 string Stephen Carpenter into ENGL Powerball & Dual Rec

Drums were Yamaha Recording custom with shitty cymbals

Bass was a Ibanez dont remember model thru a Ashdown head & Ampeg 410 cab (with sansamp)

I have a feeling the master has too much low end but i´m not completely sure as my room has some strange stuff going on at 90 Hz more or less

What do you guys think of this? Any comments greatly appreciated (I know, the vocalist´s english isnt very good) OF THE WORLD_16.mp3