New Star Wars music video!

johnnieCzech said:
hope it´s not gonna be that awful as EpII.

I'm with you their. Hopefully Anakin get's some balls and is not as whiney as he is in EpII, Attack of the Crybabies.........
ThraxSA said:
I'm with you their. Hopefully Anakin get's some balls and is not as whiney as he is in EpII, Attack of the Crybabies.........

Anakin definitely gets some much needed balls in Ep III in the form of VADER.
Thanks for the link ZT, pretty damn cool.
That video is GOOD. Maybe the Episode III movie will be as good as the book...? Or better...(since the book was 100% Wookie-free)???

You're right. To bad TD couldn't see this. God, I miss him.
Kevin Smith (Mallrats, Clerks) fame has posted a review of the film (Lucas let him see the final cut in digital glory) - and he said its the prequel we all wanted and more! Said its 10 times darker than Empire ever was and is just a killer film. Said Anakin isn't the whiney annoying teenager he was in AOTC either. Major spoilers though - its on his site so you have been warned.

May the Metal be with You.