New stuff from my band, check it out

Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
Drums sound pretty darn good, the bass is a bit odd... can't put my finger on what it is tho... i won't judge the guitars yet, the overall balance of the mix is nice.

The song is pretty cool too, like cyber thrash or something.

It'll be good when its finished. :)
We play thrash-death metal !! Thank you so much for your judgement!!!
Guitar is a Jackson RR1 trough a dual rectifiers, the tone is not so great but
damn, I can't get a decent tone from that box!!!! Live is great but recorded is very muddy.
Maybe in the future I'll try with a Tube screamer in front of it!!

It's actually pretty fun to listen to. I didn't really get bored. The mistakes give it heart. The production is mediocre, but that's why I like it. Good job.
oh and the bass sounds like something off of and old "Sadus" album I have... I bet the bass player likes Steve DiGiorgio. He doesn't play like Steve, but the bass tone sounds like something he would have used.
DIOBOLIC5150 said:
The production is mediocre, but that's why I like it. Good job.
All the mistakes will be fixed Diobolic, cut and paste eheheh :grin:
So why is it mediocre??
Guitars very muddy???

DIOBOLIC5150 said:
oh and the bass sounds like something off of and old "Sadus" album I have... I bet the bass player likes Steve DiGiorgio. He doesn't play like Steve, but the bass tone sounds like something he would have used.
No the bass player is a classic heavy metal maniac (Judas Priest, Iron Maiden), the sound in the beggining, when tracked, was a classic bass sound with a lot of lowend, his amp head is a SWR.
Steve DiGiorgio uses Ampeg (now) as seen live with Sebastian Bach.
I re-eq it and compressed it, so it sounded a lot better, a lot of attack.
I'm gonna record 3 new guitars track to have a very big wall of sound (hope it wont get muddier than this)

kaomao said:
We play thrash-death metal !! Thank you so much for your judgement!!!
Guitar is a Jackson RR1 trough a dual rectifiers, the tone is not so great but
damn, I can't get a decent tone from that box!!!! Live is great abut recorded is very muddy.
Maybe in the future I'll try with a Tube screamer in front of it!!


I'm probably not the best person to evalluate your mix, given that I'm not a very experienced producer, but anyways, I'll point out what I think is not good in your song.

The execution is sloppy, a few mistakes in the beginning are very noticeable, other than those, I've not noticed but I've not taken much time to analyse it. The drum is a bit too loud (specially some cymbals) and the sound of the snare sucks (IMO). The double kick seems a bit muddy too, try passing some filters on it and fiddle with the eq.

The guitar sound is horrible as well, if I were you, I'd go for a Tubescreamer before you record all the guitars, as it will help making a big difference to your sound. Check this experiment with a triple recto with a tube screamer:

Another point that is very taste-related is that the song itself doesn't help much regardless of how sloppy it is.

Sorry... and keep up
morningstar said:
The execution is sloppy, a few mistakes in the beginning are very noticeable, other than those, I've not noticed but I've not taken much time to analyse it.
Mistakes will be fixed, I'm working with protools.

morningstar said:
The drum is a bit too loud (specially some cymbals) and the sound of the snare sucks (IMO). The double kick seems a bit muddy too, try passing some filters on it and fiddle with the eq.
Uhm Ok I'll check it out!!!!

morningstar said:
The guitar sound is horrible as well, if I were you, I'd go for a Tubescreamer before you record all the guitars....
In fact is a very muddy and strange tone, in front ofd the amp is very different.

Thank you so much guys I'll do better next time ehehe!!:grin:

kaomao said:
So why is it mediocre??

Because it just is! The production sounds very "garage" and is just under par by many peoples standards (correct me if I'm wrong).

The drums sound flat and one dimensional, almost like they were recorded with one or two mics only, they have no high end, they're all low mid. I don't hear any panning on them (although I didn't listen too hard for it).
Clean up the snare, it's murdering me. They are also too loud.

The guitars are horrid. Just like everyone said, run a Tube Screamer, it works. Mic placement also sounds like part of the problem. Turn them up, they're too buried in the mix. Try panning 2 tracks left at 80 an 100, with different eq. Same for the right side.

The bass is "OK" except for some of the obvious mistakes. The tone is a little too "piano-esque" for my liking and doesn't have enough low-end meat on it. That's just me though.

Don't take any of this personal. I'm not intending to piss you off, but you asked and I gave ya my .02. I bet you wish you had just taken the compliment and let it be huh? j/k.
I really like it. Great tune, by the way...
There's a couple of observations I have. The bass is a bit "clacky" - try different eq and comp settings. I really like the way it's played - lotsa grip.
And the cymbals, even tough they have a great tone, are with way too much release. So they keep ringing and ringing in the breaks, sounding like they are cracked or something - kind of cheap.
The overall mix and song are insane, it's all a matter of working on it a bit longer.
I just hope that the vocalist can stand the song and don't screw it up! :tickled:
Let us hear when it's done.
Good luck and a successful new year!