New Stuff - Turned out quite Metalcorish


Austrian Blech Machine
Aug 21, 2009
Vienna, Austria
Hey Guys,

since I can't progress with mixing/recording my bands stuff right now I took some time off & picked up the guitar to jam around with some old riffs and some spontaneous stuff.
As usal when I'm in drop tuning things tend to get metalcorish, dunno why :Smug:

Drums SD2.0 (Kick replaced, Snare Slate)
Bass - pitched guitar (no bass at home atm)
Rhythms Vox Tonelab + ass load of processing

Excuse the faked solo section, I'm not a solo guitarist but I wanted some fast stuff going on there :lol:
It's also the first time I played around with synthy stuff...dunno if it's worth something.

Thanks & Cheers
Hey Guys,

since I can't progress with mixing/recording my bands stuff right now I took some time off & picked up the guitar to jam around with some old riffs and some spontaneous stuff.
As usal when I'm in drop tuning things tend to get metalcorish, dunno why :Smug:

Drums SD2.0 (Kick replaced, Snare Slate)
Bass - pitched guitar (no bass at home atm)
Rhythms Vox Tonelab + ass load of processing

Excuse the faked solo section, I'm not a solo guitarist but I wanted some fast stuff going on there :lol:
It's also the first time I played around with synthy stuff...dunno if it's worth something.

Thanks & Cheers

It sounds pretty fucking awesome dude :D

Also the solo was good :D
I dig where the bass sits in this, it fills the mix out well. The cymbals are a little bit harsh though.
I think I know that kick:heh: This sounds good dude, but the whole mix sounds a bit scooped IMO. But I think that´s more a matter of preferences. But those guitars rock hard. Good job. Btw, really cool song:headbang:
Thanks for listening guys!

@muckypup: Thanks man! I still think that the solo sounds like a gameboy on Ecstasy though ;)

@Nauru: I'm glad you think so! It's one of the first mixes were I'm quite happy with the bass overall and how it sits in the mix...I just think it's a bit loud now. Agreed on the Overheads

@Nuno: Thanks a lot dude! :headbang:
Yeah you know that kick ;)
At least in some way^^ I couldn't make decent multisamples out of the kick, but I really liked the sound of it(after some messing with the mids).
I had some other sample with the same charakter of sound and 3 samples, so I tried to match it to yours with the EQ and blendet it with another one :kickass:
You're also a part of the hard rockin guitars, as you told me to take a look at the high end some time ago :)
About the overall scooped mix : I noticed recently that I like a slight dip in the low end area on some parts. Could be that I scooped one of the instruments too much, or the master EQ or whatever...I'll watch that!
Thanks again bro!
that's a pitched guitar?? sounds pretty convincing to me :worship:

sounds great man! also like the tunes a lot :kickass:
Yeah I think the low end on this is a bit overpowering. I would pull also some mids of the guitar. But the overall it´s very good and I´m quite impressed how you pulled this sound of a Vox Tonelab:kickass:
Yeah I think the low end on this is a bit overpowering. I would pull also some mids of the guitar. But the overall it´s very good and I´m quite impressed how you pulled this sound of a Vox Tonelab:kickass:

Yep, boostet low end too much *doh*
I'll see if I can lower some mids on the guitars too.
I anyway want to try some vocals if I can make up some lyrics, then I'll take a look at the mix again.

Im also surprised that the tonelab finally sounds decent...doenst look that metal though ;)

haha, it's funny thinking that the raw guitars sound something like this: - GuitarsMago.mp3

edit: post #666 *EVIL* :heh::devil::Shedevil:
sounds really good man!
actually i like the solo part, even if it's faked!:D


Thanks a lot! :headbang:

My band's lead guitar player had a really hard laugh when I showed it to him :rolleyes:
but then he was like "...but 90% of non musicians would never recognize it as beeing faked" :lol:
but even the faking wasn't that easy tbh...i had to do the 5-string-skips on 25% of the original tempo...even 50% was too hard for me :loco: