new SYL song "devour" available for download


hmm.. well its different. but I do think its pretty awesome

yeah, I dunno how i'd feel if the whole album was like this song, but knowing devy, i have a feeling that won't be the case.
everyone needs to relax.

one thing we can ALL agree on about devin townsend, is that he never releases the same album twice. This album is NOT going to sound like HAARAT, and this album certainly is not going to sound like CITY.

This is/was a different approach to SYL with other band members involved more, and that's fine.

I agree about a black metal influence....everything in that song sounds completely like IX Equilabrium, and lets not forget that was pretty far from black metal for Emperor, but still an amazing record in its orn right. Im also glad to see Dev got rid of the squeel in his voice and the dry lungs are prominent.

One thing about his music is the need to let it sink in, no question. Songs heard only once and written off...well that's a big mistake, ive ALWAYS thought that. After progressive listens, combined with the whole album surrounding it, the song will shine, Im sure.

Dont sweat it guys, devin has NEVER let is down.
I like the song... but I know the album isn't going to sound like that the whole way through.

People I know that have heard more than the one song love it...
Originally posted by Extreme Deformity
By the way, I don't hear this Black Metal influence.

Well the music is twice as evil and a bit less chaotic than City, not to mention Devin sounds like he could be a stand in for Ihsahn. I love this song.

It's too bad though, I can already see people bashing the shit out of the new SYL for not being enough like City. I've already seen quite a bit of negative feedback, but..oh well. People will be people.
I fucking love it....Devin sounds sick....the production is pristine.

And I love the evil keys...I definately get the Emperor vibe.

the CD will rule....but there will be people saying...what the fuck?? it's not like City.....
all those people can go back to listening to their Bolt Thrower CDs.
i dont know,i dont want another 'city',but something is missing,
strapping young lad is all about 'heyshutthefuckupimtryingtomakesomesickfuckingmessoverhere',i just cant hear it on "devour",the song is great and all,but i need the fucking speed!
I love the song, I didn't think about the slight BM sound to it until I read this. I don't think the whole CD will sound exactly like this, though. I hope they have some really fast stuff, but if they don't, it'll be great anyway.
Originally posted by Astrochicken
Well the music is twice as evil and a bit less chaotic than City, not to mention Devin sounds like he could be a stand in for Ihsahn. I love this song.

It's too bad though, I can already see people bashing the shit out of the new SYL for not being enough like City. I've already seen quite a bit of negative feedback, but..oh well. People will be people.

It's not really that evil... and when I think Black Metal.. I think thrashy music, satanic overtones, and aggressive vocals otherwise known as "twoo" black metal... like Venom... Bathory... etc. Yes, I can hear the newer Emperor and etc. influences though.

I can't see them bashing the new SYL. I know this album is going to kill. They say it's heavier than City, so they'll have nothing to bitch about.