New Tarja Turunen Songs Streaming at

The Fiddler

Just Do It.
Nov 27, 2002
Heaven and Hell
Full-length promo songs with an occassional voice over. BWBK is adding one new song per day until the entire (promo) CD will be streaming online in it's entirety.

"Lost Northern Star" and "I Walk Alone" and others PRE.mp3

I had no idea of what to expect from her new solo release, but I certainly wasn't expecting anything this heavy or epic. The promos above are all I needed to hear to know that I'll be buying this CD.

With Nightwish still sounding great with Annete Olsen, and Tarja keeping it heavy, I think a lot of fans like me now find themselves in a win-win situation created from Tarja and Nightwish parting company. And I think it's going to be a win-win for both of the bands. :rock:
I smell a boycott ... nobody has commented yet .. strange. I listened to the songs .. they sounded pretty good. I'm glad she kept a little metal in there.


Yeah, I expecting something more along the lines of ethnic folk music and not brooding hard rock/melodic metal. I'm pleasantly suprised and pleased.
Personal opinion,its Tarja,therefore I will buy it.Her voice is a killer!Theres no other reason to support her.I was kinda afraid of the direction before I heard this,but that song retains some of the heavier stuff she did while getting away from the bombast that is Nightwish.I think Tarja will do fine,even though she may have been a cancer to boycott here
I like the fact that the new song is heavier than I Walk Alone, but it sounds rather generic/uninspired to me. But then, she's not writing the music is she?

Actually, she wrote a great deal of the album. The songs came off just like I had phony as the singer.:lol:
Yeah, some of the stuff is epic and very metal, some leans a bit more towards here mellow ballad stuff, but we did not expect this either. Just goes to prove, she has some metal in her.

The versions have changed now. There is a U.S. release that popped up this week for a better price. All those whom ordered the jewel now get it for about $6.00 less than previous. The limited digi from germany has also been updated, but again, the price went up $8.00, except for those whom preordered get it for the lower preorder price. The limited digi has a bonus cd with 3 more bonus tracks, plus 2 videos and then 2 behind the scenes documentary.

Really, Tarja should do well on her own (speaking in the metal genre) if she keeps albums consistant to this and not just because she is trying to compete with the new Nightwish.

Thumbs up here :rock: