New Therion - Gold Pedastal in "polish" stage...

Dec 3, 2004
Arizona, USA
An early 2007 "best of" nominee is the new Therion titled Gothic Kabbala.

This ain't your Daddy's Therion. Not completely anyway. While there is the old Therion sound and approach on several songs, Gothic Kabbala is much more than that. They easily cross many metal genre-boundaries throughout this double-cd album and songwriting is at a premium.

I've had Kabbala less than two weeks and I've already heard it at least 15 times. It's addictive, and definitely an early contender for album of the year.

In fact, it's going to take one hell of an album to knock it off the top spot for me!
An early 2007 "best of" nominee is the new Therion titled Gothic Kabbala.

This ain't your Daddy's Therion. Not completely anyway. While there is the old Therion sound and approach on several songs, Gothic Kabbala is much more than that. They easily cross many metal genre-boundaries throughout this double-cd album and songwriting is at a premium.

I've had Kabbala less than two weeks and I've already heard it at least 15 times. It's addictive, and definitely an early contender for album of the year.

In fact, it's going to take one hell of an album to knock it off the top spot for me!

I got this a couple of month ago and have listened to it half that. It is a good album, it's intense and a record that I feel I have to listen from start to finish or else why bother. You know what I mean?
I got this a couple of month ago and have listened to it half that. It is a good album, it's intense and a record that I feel I have to listen from start to finish or else why bother. You know what I mean?
This is definitley a "start to finish" album. It's got a theme that can't be grasped by random play. The songs themselves stand alone, but played in order make the perfect album for me.

This is what I hope Trans-Siberian Orchestra can do in the future with Nightcastle. If not, Therion will surpass the Savatage/TSO juggernaut as my fave band of all time.
I couldn´t disagree with anyone which nick is "Trans-siberian..." and his favourite badn is Savatage. "Gothic Kabbalah" is, like every Therion album, amazing. Since they were one of the most brutal death bands from Stockholm until now, C. Johnsson (and mates) only releases quality stuff.

I consider "Gothic Kabbalah" a very important album for Therion ´cause is their most innovative since the change from "Lepaca Kliffoth" to "Theli". Why? Well, in my opinion, "Gothic..." is not as operistic as the previous ones and not so symphonic. Voices are more "normal" (in a good sense). Musically is more diverse too I guess.

Nowadays I don´t consider new album their best. I don´t know what will happen in the future. I prefer "Theli", "Vovin" and "Secret of the runes" ("lepaca kliffoth" too but that´s another story) but I think "Gothic kabbalah" deserves a lot of credit. A risky and intelligent record.

My rating 8/10.
Yo Marco! Welcome to the boards, you have great taste in music!

Gothic Kabbalah is my fave Therion BECAUSE it's so diverse. You still get plenty of the old operatic Therion (which I love), but all the different styles of rock vocals really mix things up on this album. Not that it matters much which album is best, because everything they've done since (and including) Theli is sitting on a gold pedastal in my hallowed hall of fame.
I'm amazed by the quality of the songwriting! I love Therion, but this is easily their best work. Even the production if perfect.

This is one of those "once a decade" releases where all the stars are properly aligned.

I have a hard time seeing ANY 2007 release bettering this (but that is possible with new releases due from Porcupine Tree, Anathema, and Threshold!).

Outstanding album!
Nightcastle is the new TSO project (been in the works for years but supposedly ready to release this year). It's not a Christmas album, more like Beethoven's Last Night. If I remember correctly it is supposed to be based around the works of Bach.

And I'm with you, Soundmaster, I can't see anything knocking Gothic Kabbalah off the top spot for 2007...and I agree it's one of those magic albums that only comes along once in a decade.
I bought GK hours before the H&H show in Vancouver. Solid album and more enjoyable than anything the band has done since Deggial.