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I rearranged my CD wallets last night, I have a 48 thingy and a 72 thingy.

72 (Summer Spectacular):
Mars Volta
Queens of the Stone Age
Slo Burn
Brant Bjork
Monster Magnet
Las Cruces
Agents of Oblivion
Acid King
House of Aquarius
Beaten Back to Pure
Masters of Reality
Biblical Proof of UFOs
Meat Puppets
Faith No More
Stone Temple Pilots
Mr. Bungle

48 (some shitz):
Pink Floyd
The Doors
Pearl Jam
some other shit I forgot because it's not here at work with me

YESSSSSSSss I just found out the boss isn't going to be here today so I'll probably leave around 2pm. :kickass:
Joo got it mang. :kickass:

It's not even my favorite Kerouac book, but it's impossible to deny it's awesomeness.

Cassady spent hours doing intricate double and triple flips with his hammer in what I thought at the time was just dicking around; not knowing he was using the hammer the way a juggler or athlete would: to stay trim, alert, ready.

~Ken Babbs
I almost purchased 5 CDs from Columbia House for $32, but then realized I have several CDs I haven't given a proper chance to at home. Although I might do it anyhow, they were classics like MC5 and The Doors that need to be in my collection.

Also last night I realized that I haven't really listened to any form of extreme metal in like 3 months, except one hot evening when I listened to Taake (didn't fit, felt good anyhow).

Another peculiar mechanization of the 'Fastestmanalive!' (as Neal was also knighted) was his legendary tossing of the hammer, a four pound sledge that he wielded with all the skill and authority of the mighty Thor. Many felt that Neal's incessant hammer tossing was some sort of holy chore, like a zen monk chanting, or a saint's meditation. But once again, these were different mystics, using different methods to initiate enlightenment. Ken Kesey--in all his unconventional wisdom--believed that whenever the sure-handed Cassady dropped his hammer, it was due to bad vibrations in the room, and that Cassady had purposely dropped the hammer to break up those negative vibes. To Kesey, there were no 'accidents' as far as Cassady was concerned. Cassady drove like a maniac all his life, though never once was he ever involved in a traffic accident. Many ascribed this good fortune to his remarkable relationship with time, able to live on the edge but in the same instance foresee coming changes in fractions of seconds.

Sir Speed Limit's supranormal relationship with time would eventually exhibit itself most notably behind the wheel of a car, which he used as a physical extension for his free-wheeling Psyche, so in tune was the man with the combustive music of the road and rolling machines. All who rode with Neal would agree that something special was going on there, with his mind/body&soul in perpetual motion, communing with the automotive and holyboy road. As Mountain Girl once explained,"Neal felt when he was at the wheel of a car that his eyes were registering events ahead of the car at a certain rate and he was perceiving them at a certain rate and it takes a certain number of microseconds for the impulses to travel from the eyes to the brain and get processed and get down to the hand to turn the wheel. He was very sensitive to those tiny fragments of time. He was intimate with time."

It didn't take long for Kerouac to recognize Cassady's special talents. Through Cassady he was able to see the possibilities of a whole generation in the wide open balls to the wall revelatory search discovered on the road, stretching vast lonesome highways of the night, stealing gas and getting laid in the mad rush of his reeling senses, high on speed, blowing gage and ejaculatory wads from sea to frothy sea.
That's pretty awesome, what's it from?

Second interview done. This dude is way overqualified which means he's probably going to ask for more money than even I'm making, which like, no way fish tank. :loco: