New to Amon Amarth


Valhall Awaits Me
Aug 26, 2007
Columbus, GA
Hey guys, I'm new to the forums and new to Amon Amarth :heh:

I just picked up With Oden On Our Side last week and I have to say, this has to be one of the most mind-blowing CD's I've heard this year. Under The Northern Star, Runes To My Memory, and Asator are my favorite songs so far.

In addition to this album, I will be buying all of their other albums tomorrow. Great band, Great music.

\m/ Rock on :kickass:
[Anti-Hero];6455038 said:
Hey guys, I'm new to the forums and new to Amon Amarth :heh:

I just picked up With Oden On Our Side last week and I have to say, this has to be one of the most mind-blowing CD's I've heard this year. Under The Northern Star, Runes To My Memory, and Asator are my favorite songs so far.

In addition to this album, I will be buying all of their other albums tomorrow. Great band, Great music.

\m/ Rock on :kickass:

Welcome my friend to the saga known as AA :kickass:
I love all their albums, however, With Oden By Our Side has to be the best metal album ever.

I love every track on this album, it's been a good six months since I got it, and it is still @ the top of my list when I have a long drive or so!
I'm also new to both. I have all of the albums except Once Sent from the Golden Hall(band was linked on Warhammer Online forums and been hooked since). My favorite album is With Oden On Our Side, 2nd would probably be Crusher.
ive found avanger lately, was quite surprised. i miss only the crusher and once sent fro mthe golden hall. ill prolly have to order them.. when i have a job..
Thanks guys :D Well, thanks to griev0r I have all of AA's albums. I have bought all of them except for Fate Of Norns (which griev0r generously shared with me)
Try any Amon Amarth album?

EDIT: That was slightly cruel of me, sorry. Here you go. (furthest on the right)

Hi im new to both also the first thing i bought tho was the dvd "Wrath of the Norsemen" if i spelled that wrong sorry but anyways i was wondering if anyone can translate these lyrics for me it is right at the begining of "An Ancient Sign Of Coming Storm" well here they are
"Där tog en nordlig vind
skeppet, så att kungen
ombord fördes med
till strid mot två kungar
De djärva kungarna
Hälsade med pilskott
Ordlöst i striden.
Sköldarnas buller räckte."
Thank you to anyone that replys o wait lol i need those to english if you havent figured that out lol
Hmm, I'm gonna give it a try, just for practice with Svenska, but I'm no native speaker, so it's gonna be a bit off gramatically and missing bits, cause I can't find my dictionary.
"There took a northern wind
Ship, so that the king
aboard takes with
to battle versus two kingdoms.
The bold kingdoms
Hail with arrowshot
Words in contention.
Shieldarm's(?) din is reached."

I'm prolly missing something, and I'm sure I've fucked up the flow of it, but that should be close enough to get the general idea. :)
With Oden.. is a great album, but if you're going to buy more I recommend Fate of Norns and Once Sent From The Golden Hall. But all their back catalogue kicks ass anyway so you're bound to pick up a good album whatever you choose.