New to Bodom


Kruk Smierci
Dec 10, 2003
New Jersey
:headbang: I just listened to the song "Follow the Reaper" and I gotta say I am pretty impressed. I just wanted to know some more kick-ass songs to check out by these guys.....and which CD is thier best?
Awesome songs:

Silent Night Bodom Night
Children of Decadence
Bed of Razors
Angels Don't Kill
Needled 24/7
Kissing the Shadows

I recommend either Hatebreeder or Hatecrew Deathroll as the first album to get.
buy all their cd's first, then decide which cd is their best. :)

Get Hatebreeder, i think it's the best imo, to start off and get a taste of what they really sound like.
MagSec4 said:
lakebodom 666: Your site is very cool, as is your banner for it. It is, however, 1 MB in size! It is hell on pageloads. I'm sure you can greatly reduce the file size of it, make it a JPG for starters.

Here is this better/is this working now? I tried to reduce it but they didn't seem to come up in my signature prewviews.
No it doesn't work. That's strange, the path and file name is all correct.. it just won't let it display as an image here.. if you still can't get it to work from that server I can host it for you.

EDIT: :lol: I just realized you misspelled the band's name in that banner.

For shame...
> Tokyo Warhearts!

YEAH i was about to post that. COB are definitely a live band, i was a fan of them before, but their live album is what really started my eternal downfall towards dead end of kissing the shadows of COB's bed of razor fanaticness :D
MagSec4>>>What's this sign in your sig' ? (the yellow one with 3 comas, or maybe comas is the german word)
I've already seen it in a manga and in some drum ceremony from Japan.
What's its meaning ?
Well, happy you like it^^
Maybe you don't know what those little guys are ? They're called kaos, they're the japanese equivalent from our occidental smileys. Kaos in japanese means "expression" (or facial expression). In french kaos means "wow, forwilldrivedevil spend a few afternoon losing his lifetime by doing those little guys" :p lol But if people like them, that's it at least.^^

(And as we're talking about my sig', I just wanted to talk about the link under it. It links to a page with a card game of the bush government (like the one the bush gov did for irak). (I've heard on radio that the guy who did it (an independant journalist)already has had several death threat, maybe has already been saved by french secret service or something like that)
I don't want to start this debate again, and have nothing against americans (after all, you've got NHL, pickups, mmh, fuck, pickup burn way too much oil :p lets take a lambo only for the WE, and osiris shoes half the price it is in france). Just that there's still not any signs of WOMD in irak, and that if all gov look bad, the bush gov looks evil >:) and this is interesting to see how all members of this gov have some business in oil, army, aircraft industry etc...)

To Snowblind, I'd say it is maybe better to discover the songs in their order, or you'll find SW very weak compared to the others.