New to Dark Tranquillity...


Dec 29, 2001
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Well, the subject says all, I just got to listen to Haven a few months ago and soon forgot about it, but some days ago I listened to it and found I simply gotta love it :) Now, what I'd like to ask you, what album would you recommend to listen to next? Are the older albums very different from Haven?
Try working your way backwards. The album that is closest to Haven in style is probably Projector so start with that one.
Originally posted by Delta
Are the older albums very different from Haven?

Yes they are. Check what I wrote on the "Need advice..." thread by YaYoGakk and you might get a small idea.

And welcome here!

-Villain (the DT-recruiter)
i agree with ATG, if you really liked haven then the logical thing to do is work backwards from projector- (better than haven i say)
...but its difficult for me to say seeing as my two fave dt albums are projector and skydancer.....:rolleyes: :)
Originally posted by Delta
Are the older albums very different from Haven?

my word, they are. but that's what makes dt what they are, and when you spot the thread that links them all, well, you're hooked and possibly overwhelmed by the brilliance.
anyway, i'm yet another supporter of the projector-skydancer theory (i.e., they're the best they've done), so just dload (then buy, please) projector and tell us what you think.

Skydance change my standards for progressive metal (it was the same era that i've known Opeth too). It was something different with harmonies flowing smoothly pushing the leads ahead into your soul, and manuevers that put a smile on your face. and dont forget the lyrics.
However, it didnt end there - as The Gallery, although a bit different, kept that flame and was as a whole, even better.
But than DT broke my heart. Many bands walked their way, and Opeth in their own path progressed further. But DT wanted to change their motif to something more streaming maybe, or more consensual but less progressive, and in my opinion, nothing special. Generaly i dont keep a favor for bands only because the name is the same - but also dont stop following to see what's new. If a band stops being intresting for me, i dont buy it anymore (of course they can buy me again in the future, if sound changes) - DT turned such when i bought The Mind's I. It introduced few progressive tracks, but most of the CD wasnt my test anymore. They were interviewed saying it was their direction for a while, being less progressive more metalistic. I dont know about you fellows, but Skydancer and Gallery were genuine creations.
I think new people introduced with DT should listen to both those records in order to urge for something like that again.
guess what, I have all 3 of them...
Skydancer alone edition...
Of Chos alone edition....
Attached normal edition and the USA edit too :)
theres no way to compare, Haven isnt in the vein of Projector and projector isnt in the vein of TMI, it continually gets different and thats why DT are fuckin genious's.

start from Skydancer and go forward, you can see the progression better instead of starting with haven and than saying "WTF?" when first hearing projector (although itll most likely happen the other way round.....)
hmm, i like the keyboards on Haven, but I dont like them when their tooo overdone, like on the Haven title track (although its my favorite track on the cd, it seems to drown out the other instruments occasionally) The Gallery is a work of art, no denying that.
I agree w/ final vision , go forward not backwards , thats just like buying the newist Dying Fetus Album then going backwards , you wnt think they are so good. Start from the 1st and get hooked then work up !