New to Katatonia


Oct 4, 2005
What Katatonia recording would you recomend to someone who has never heard them before? I'm quite a Bloodbath fan and would like to hear more from these guys. Any suggestions? And why are there so many great metal bands from Sweden?
Thanks in advance.:headbang:
Hey. Im a dumb ass! I just read the forum rules and they answered my question. But I still want to know why Sweden is home to Great metal bands.
Sweden, and the surrounding countries, get very little sunlight during much of the year. I have heard that there is an extremely high suicide rate in this part of the world, no doubt partially due to the lack of sunlight, which could make many people feel a bit depressed. Similar thing in Alaska, during the winters many people turn to alcoholism to escape from this depression. My personal theory is that this contributes to a good metal scene. Depression and dark emotions are almost always present in metal. This helps the scene to grow. And once bands start forming, they influence others, and the scene grows.

Although sweden is mostly melodic death...which I really hate...and bloodbath as well is one of the worst bands from what I have heard...sorry ;)

Best Swedish bands other than Katatonia: Anata, Insision, Amon Amarth, Opeth!
Well, i personnaly love swedish bands! Why so many good bands? Kids are learning music at a very young age... Swedish, scandinavian and finnish people ( Finland is not in scandinavia ) are reserve and nice people, they have melodies in blood..The climate has to do with it as said we really have to get an anwser for that? It's awesome music that we enjoy isn't the most important thing?
_Transparent_ said:
why does Brazil have the best footballers? (retorical question, please don't answer it, unless you have a good reply that is...)
Compaired to guitars and drum sets, balls are cheep and one ball can occupy 12-14 kids at a time. And they have many football Idols to look up to.
There is a lot of talk in the newspapers here about depression, lack of light, etc.and it´s true that lack of serotonin can cause depression.
Personally I thought it was far the climate has been exeptionally good, not so cold and even if it gets dark at about 3.30 pm, there can be very nice days with light and blu sky... and great landskapes to watch..which is less depressing that living in a country where it rains all the time, full of industries and ugly cities...
So I don´t think Swedish winter is so depressing, I like this fascinating darkness and all the candles and lanters, it´s really cosy:)
but ok the winter here is longer and the days are short..and I´ve never read so many books as I do now..simply because there isn´t much to do when outside it´s cold and if I had my guitar here I´d be playing all the time I guess.
When you walk around the streets on w-ends you only see immigrants...seems like that the swedes like staying home and enjoy outdoors life only when spring and summer come.
So in the cold winters all those kids instead of playing and hanging around on the street, just stay home and what can they do other than watching tv, playing play station or making music?
I've never been to scandinavia (it's a dream of mine to visit someday) but I believe that many good bands come from there because these are countries that have a higher standard of income than the rest of the world. thus, parents are able to buy their children drums, guitars, amps, etc... A higher standard of Education must also contribute, with schools that probably promote music teaching more than most. I also believe that the northern countries have strong links to the past, wether it's folk tales, festivals or traditional music. The heart and soul of good music has to have an influence on children from a very young age. The cold and lack of sunlight is another factor that probably drives many kids away from crappy pop music to create good metal.

I might be wrong about some of this and/or maybe the swedes, finns, norwegians and danes are just naturally gifted.
You could say that the climate and landscape are what take the music in a certain direction, but that would make a black-metal band from Texas posers by default. There may be some truth to this though. Agalloch's music fits well with Oregon (a very rainy, cold, and green part of USA).
Yeah, Sweden has a great music scene, I mean, bands like ABBA came from there!!!

Seriously, though, I've been wanting to visit Sweden. Photos I've seen look beautiful. I'm actually a quarter Swedish myself and have relatives living there I've never met. I've always had a huge interest in that part of my ancestry, for some reason. Some day I'll visit, hopefully.

If weather is a big reason for good metal, you'd think there'd be more extremely good Scottish metal bands. Doesn't get dark a whole lot later here in winter, and the weather.... :lol: I've noticed, though, the further you go north on this island, the more people tend to listen to heavy music. *lol* England, especially the southern part, is a shithole for music and everyone are a bunch of trendy bastards listening to shit music. :Smug: