New to recording metal, mic suggestions please!


Jan 9, 2008
Hi guys,

Glad i found this forum, loads of great people and infomation!

basicly i've just started my own home studio based around a very high spec windows xp pc running cubase sx3 with a presonus FP10. I've just started getting into recording metal properly.

Can i get some recomendations for mics to use with :

Peavey triple x head and 4x12 cab,
Peavy 400watt bass combo amp
Bass drum and snare.

I already own a drum mic set, 7 piece, but it's a pretty cheap, want to upgrade some. they were £150 for 7 mics.

My price range is about £100 each mic.

Been looking at AKG d112 for kick, sm57 or sennhieser e606 for cabs.

Usually be doing guitars in c,g,c,f,a,d or drop d. but i record a lot of different genre's so alrounders would be great!
By the way i have a hell of a lot of metal drum sound vst's like drumagog, DFH2 and things. but i'd quite liek to have mics to be able to record the real sound too when needed!
Can't go wrong with the SM57 on guitar cabs, and lotsa people like the Audix i5 as well - the Sennheiser I'd vote as 3rd desirable on that list from what I've heard, though it's great for live stuff cuz you can just dangle it. I've used the D112 a fair amount on kicks and don't like it very much (too poofy); Audix D6 or Beta 52 would be my vote. Either are great on a bass cab as well, but I know I desperately want a Tech 21 Sansamp Bass Driver DI to get a killer bass tone with zero effort.
is the audix i5 as versatile as an sm57, i've got 2x sm58 but never had a 57. If i got an audix i5 could i use it on cabs and my snare and get a decent result on both?

Come on guys, chuck your suggestions at this thread!
is the audix i5 as versatile as an sm57, i've got 2x sm58 but never had a 57. If i got an audix i5 could i use it on cabs and my snare and get a decent result on both?

Come on guys, chuck your suggestions at this thread!

The i5 is definitely as versatile, and since you've got two 58's, if the wind screen screws off of either of them then that means you also have two 57's, so the i5 would be my recommendation for variety's sake (many here prefer it to a 57). So you could use the i5 for snare, the two 58's for rack toms (Michael Wagener loves 'em), and some low freq. mic (like a Beta 52) for floor tom.
I desperately want a Tech 21 Sansamp Bass Driver DI to get a killer bass tone with zero effort.

after about 2 weeks of waiting for mine from gak, i finaly got it about 3 days ago...

clearly the best £160 i'v spend in a long long time!!! it sounds incredable live through PA's. everyone in my band almost choked when i hit my first note with it. sounded sick and everyone loved it:)
i've given it a wuick go DI'ing for recording purposes and it sounded great, but i personaly think you can get a better tone out of the AMPEG plug-in. but that was only from about 10 mins of playing. i need to fiddle more to get the best out of it yet as i havnt had it long at all! i can imagen it sounding killer if i mic'ed a bass amp aswell as a DI'd track through Ampeg.

seriosuly worth getting one if your a bassist, it is a must have
I'm also getting some esi near05 monitors to connect to my presonus FP10, should i buy a pair of jack to jack balanced cables to hook them up with?

I'm confused by the types, theres jack to jack balanced stereo or mono. Do i need mono?