New to the ultimate metal joint

sh0kr0k said:
Hi girls!! It's great to have you here! You both have great music taste!
Severe - Heart rocks my proverbial socks!
Lolita - I lvoe the user name! And HIM is one great band! I like them a LOT! Same with Moonspell & Nick Cave (I always have a thing for that "Red Right Hand" song! haha!)

Hope you gals enjoy your stay here at UM! :)


Thank you, sis ;)
Your other favourite bands?
Lolita Vampiriá said:
Thank you, sis ;)
Your other favourite bands?

Oh, hun I stretch across the board on that one! From Malice Mizer to Symphony X to Whitesnake to Clay Crosse to Joy Electric to Queensrÿche! haha! A few of my very very very favorites are Def Leaaprd, Queensrÿche, Dream Theater, Satriani, Megadeth, Iced Earth, Blind Guardian, TM Revolution (yeah I know that doesn't fit! haha), Phil Keaggy... I could go on, but I'll spare everyone (and spare myself! I've been typing all night!) ;)
