Yeah, after a bunch of listens, this totally kicks ass. The harmonized vocals part sounds truly demonic, and the riff probably couldn't be more bad ass. Though I hope it's not the strongest track on the album (which I'm pretty much sure it isn't).
hasn't blown me away like the first listen to IN did but its good. still looking forward to the album a lot!
I don't get it, but a guy I know took one listen and called it boring re-hashed thrash. this is the least re-hashed sounding thrash I've heard in forever. it's just too weird for that.
So far my reaction is it's good, but not super great. The lead is quite fast but short, just expected a bit more out of it. I like the fast rhythm parts, and the chorus is nice. Vocals should sound more demanding and angry imo.
It was very surprising. I don't know why they would pick this track out of all of them to lead, but it's really really interesting.

For one the lyrical themes are surprising to me. They aren't sludged* over with heavy metaphor, yet pertain to reality. I like the direct approach. Very "spiritual healing" of Matt to do. That aside, the fast riff sounds just like the slow verse? That's crazy to me. Repetitive thematically, very much so, but still new and just kind of takes you off your feet, confused. That's one thing it certainly keeps from infected nations, that sort of sense of confusion. They really do some odd shit with riffs that you don't expect at points, but wow when the ETG style fast riff comes back, it really comes back in full force.

solo I'm not too crazy about, but if you listen carefully it's pretty interesting. I was surprised, again, that it took so long to pop in.

One thing I noticed is how the song builds. It keeps pulling and confusing, really coming into its own at the end there with the harmonies. Really well done.
Well, after listening to the song about a million times, here are my impressions of it:

- Matt has really outdone himself in regard to the singing. I love the almost Warrel Dane-ish melodic, slightly operatic edge he's incorporating into his still aggressive, thrash-y delivery. The death growling vocals also make for an interesting contrast. I wonder if Ol will handle them live?

- The guitar work is outstanding. The song is stuffed full of great, memorable riffs, but still flows really well. And, as I mentioned in my previous post, the tone is absolutely killer. As for the solo, I like how focused it is and how it progresses, unlike the often aimless widdle-ing that a lot of guitarists indulge in.

- The bass and drumming is really solid as well. As a guitar player and listener, though, I tend to focus on the vocals and guitar playing. :)

Overall, the song has exceeded my expectations and really blown away. I'm even more psyched for FST now! :D

i thought that but if you look at it it looks like a early idea for the infected nations cover
To all of you that are going to download (you lucky bastards) Evile will be playing Eternal Empire there! At least according to the facebook page of this weird fella named "Old Rake"
This isn't necessarily getting me pumped for FST, but because Ol said the album is diverse, and because of the fact that it's dumb to judge an album by one song, AND because of the fact that I love Evile, I will most definitely buy the new album. The only negative thing I can say about this song is how (like Dave said) it's not as technical as some of the stuff on IN, but here I am, the guy who got into metal because of the Black Album and Static-X. I can't willingly call Eternal Empire a bad song.