New tubes for an ENGL Savage


Jun 14, 2007
Hello! The other guitarist in my band has to change tubes in his Savage, which tubes does he have to buy? In the manual it says:
v1 -> ECC83/7025 F.Q.
v2,v3,v4 -> ECC83/12AX7 selected
v5,v6 -> ECC83/12AX7 standard
v7,v8 -> KT88 matched pair

The part I don't understand is 7025 F.Q. What does it stand for? Also the selected/standard what is the difference and where do I get selected tubes? I have heard that JJ tubes are good, do they come in these models?
BTW we will not change tubes ourselves, we are going to take the amp to an electrician but we have to bring the tubes I guess.

Thanks in advance
7025 is just another 12ax7...just buy all 12ax7s for the preamp tubes...get one that is balanced for the phase inverter in v6.
Stick with a good brand like jj, ruby, tung sol, and the like.

btw. 12ax7=ecc83 just a different name
Hello! The other guitarist in my band has to change tubes in his Savage, which tubes does he have to buy? In the manual it says:
v1 -> ECC83/7025 F.Q.
v2,v3,v4 -> ECC83/12AX7 selected
v5,v6 -> ECC83/12AX7 standard
v7,v8 -> KT88 matched pair

The part I don't understand is 7025 F.Q. What does it stand for? Also the selected/standard what is the difference and where do I get selected tubes? I have heard that JJ tubes are good, do they come in these models?
BTW we will not change tubes ourselves, we are going to take the amp to an electrician but we have to bring the tubes I guess.

Thanks in advance

for v1-v6 you can use any type of preamp tube (small ones) types ecc83 or 12ax7. I recommend EH, Tungsol, JJ. You can mix different brands in the pre amp for tonal variation.

for v7 and v8 (poweramp tubes) you need to get the same type of tube: KT88 or 6550 and if possible send the amp to a tech to be properly biased.

there's a ton of information and tube type reviews on the web.

try here

take care
Engl used to have "selected" tubes that you must buy from them kind of like mesa branded tubes....I don't really buy into this and I don't know if they still offer them. But thats why it says that in the manual
Thanks for the quick replies guys! ;) Ok then so just buy any good ECC83/12AX7, a balanced one for v6, and then a matched pair of KT88 for the power. BTW I dug up some info: the 7025 is supposed to be a bit brighter, and "spongier". The reason they put it there is to get more string attack ;) So I will buy a 7025 tube for v1.
7025 is equivalent to 12ax7....12ax7, ecc83 and 7025 are different name for the same thing...I don't know because it's write in the manual...I've it too in my savage 60's manual.
Check this out:

I spoke with an amp tech on the Revalver II forum, I was looking for a sound with more string attack. He told me to replace the first tube to a 7025, I don't know the difference but apparantly the 7025:s are the tubes found in Fender amps. At least in Revalver (a guitar modeller). Anyway I will write a mail to ENGL and see what they are talking about.
I'd recommend Bob at Eurotubes -

He knows his stuff and if you email him he'll gladly recommend the right tubes for your amp. He stocks JJ/Tesla exclusively, but selects and grades them carefully by hand, he's really serious about that.
His webshop has complete retube kits for several amp brands and types, but not ENGL for now. He'll include them as well in the time to come, but that shouldn't stop you from ordering the tubes either by email or one by one.
I ask to eurotubes some question about tubes for my Savage 60. He answer quickly and he proposed me 2 different sets with little differences.
I think he knows his stuff but he only propose you JJ tubes because he sell only these doesn't mean it's the best solution. It's a little limitative...
Still, one has to wonder why he would ONLY sell JJ tubes - perhaps because he thinks they're the best? I suppose he also could have a very lucrative deal with JJ/Tesla, but that doesn't seem likely, seeing as how it doesn't seem to be a very common business practice to only stock one brand of anything. Just food for thought...
I'd recommend Bob at Eurotubes -

He knows his stuff and if you email him he'll gladly recommend the right tubes for your amp. He stocks JJ/Tesla exclusively, but selects and grades them carefully by hand, he's really serious about that.
His webshop has complete retube kits for several amp brands and types, but not ENGL for now. He'll include them as well in the time to come, but that shouldn't stop you from ordering the tubes either by email or one by one.

Ok! Thanks I will take a look.
I got my entire mesa retubed with one of Bob Pletkas kits at He really is insane about tubes and guitarists should thank him for it.

My amp sounds alot better than it did with all JJ's in it. Although, I'm sending it out to get fully mod'd, because tubes are tubes and if the stuff on the inside isn't working well, then your sound will still not be what you want. I'll keep the JJ's in it though, even after the mod.