NEW TUBES FOR MY Triple Rectfier?


Oct 12, 2007
The North
hey guys, i have been thinking my amp might possibly be due for some new tubes.. any suggestions?

the three 5U4gb tubes in front to the far right are the power tubes right?
well one of them isnt lighting up and the others are very dim is that normal?
dont think thats the power tubes.. but try Rubys powertubes and tung-sol in preamp, I got it recommended by somebody here at it kicks ass!
ill probably order the 6l6highgain kit pay day is friday :)

a couple other questions guys..

the ground on my power cord for the amp snapped off the other day... im sure its probably not safe to play without that but does it affect sound in any way?

also do the power cables on these things even come out, it looked like when i went behind it but when i tried to take it out it looks like its pulling what ever it sits in out with it? should i just get some kind appoxy kit and try to repair it from the outside, or do you think i might need to open the amp up and fix it from there?
5U4gb are the rectifier tubes....if you use the silicon diode rectifier setting.....these aren't even used.
really? i had no idea.. im a pretty big noob when it comes to these things, this is my first real tube amp and i have only had it for about 4 months..

the way i have it set now is with the silicon settings and some 6l6's but i have it on the el34 setting because it makes the run hotter and its supposedly safe(so im told) please let me know if i should not be doing this...
I wouldn't be plugging in any tube amp without a ground. Your power cord should definately come out, I've never seen any Mesa that didn't and I've owned 4 Mesa heads.
You can just buy a new power cord for like $10. At radio shack or a computer store and most musical instrument stores. I wouldn't run it without the ground...its very dangerous to the amp and you.

I would also suggest switching back to the 6l6 setting because running them a hotter will only kill them quicker and it won't really help the tone.
ok thanks guys, but how do i go about getting the power chord out of the amp, its in there pretty good and i dont want to damage anything else? like i said before its pulling what ever contains it out. any suggestions?
really? i had no idea.. im a pretty big noob when it comes to these things, this is my first real tube amp and i have only had it for about 4 months..

Save your money, you dont need new power tubes yet, if anything, buy them and save them

Edit: unless that is your amp seems not to be functioning right or sounds really bad, but since its your first tube amp i figured you might just be excited to change tubes,
oh sorry i didnt meen to give the impression that it was brand new, the amp its self is probably at least 3-4 years old, I purchased it used from a freind for a pretty good deal(800$ for head and cab :) ) its just that it sounds weird sometimes when i play it, and i dont necesarilly know what it sounds like when the tubes are going bad.. i learn alot from just reading this forum every day so i figured i should ask before i do something foolish.
I wouldn't be plugging in any tube amp without a ground. Your power cord should definately come out, I've never seen any Mesa that didn't and I've owned 4 Mesa heads.

the older 2ch don't have a removable powercord!

seriously, this guy sounds like he has no experience with tubeamps at all, recommending stuff like replacing anything, even tubes, can kill him.

there are 500v going on in that amp.

if you don't exactly know what you're doing bring it to a tech!
my only problem is that i live in a small town where the nearest tech would be 2 hours away and i wouldnt get my amp back for like 2 months :(
my only problem is that i live in a small town where the nearest tech would be 2 hours away and i wouldnt get my amp back for like 2 months :(

you could change the tubes yourself, but don't break the glass when you're putting them in or it'll pretty likely kill you.

if the powercord is detachable you can easily replace that as well, if not LET A TECH DO IT, the caps still provide lethal voltage long after you unplugged the amp!
it doesn't necessairily have to be an amptech, any electrician could do that for cheap
ruby el34 str (basically winged c tubes) fuck me these make a dual rec roar, and tighten up the bottom end mush soooo well
Winged "C" (SED) 6L6GC These on the power tube section have the best tone I have heard. They tighten up the bottom end and give you some really nice mids, and killer harmonics. I've tried others on other amps as well, and I always come back to these tubes. Just my personal opinion. I've got JJ's for the 12AX7's and they are pretty nice. They help to tame the fizz on the recto's.
i wish i had a camera to show you guys what im talking about with power cable, but ill try to explain as best i can.

it seems that it is detachable but.. its like someone jammed it in there way too tight. so when i try to "pull it out" im actually pulling out what ever plastic casing its supposed to sit in.. ill give it one more good try, but like i said i dont want to damage the amp or myself.

and thanks for the recomendations guys, i went ahead and got the high-gain 6l6 set from eurotubes :)

i have installed a pre-amp tube on my old crappy marshall 8100 before, but im sure the other tubes arent quite that simple to install.
ill do my research before i put them in.

*ok nevermind i got the powercable out haha, i just had to apply a good amount of pressure and move it side to side slightly.. but the problem was that the plastic thing that holds it in was detached from the amp, so i should probably try to appoxy that back on there.