new Ulterium band: End Of September


Jun 24, 2004
Minnesota, USA
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bleah...liked it until the growls. So many bands ruin their potential that way.

It's only a couple of verses. Hardly something to "ruin one's potential".
My complaint is that the screams don't sound powerful enough. Almost strained.
Yeah, everyone's got a different threshold for growl enjoyment. If yours is 0%, then it looks you can easily pass this by.

I prefer 0%, but depending on how good the rest of it is, I can live with (and sometimes enjoy) up to about 25% of the overall vocals being growls. I can't imagine missing out on the amazement of, say, Epica because 10% of the vocals are growls :yow:

From the sounds of this teaser - where we hear it on 1 out of 6 clips - this will be in my comfort zone :p
The first review (very short; quick read) of the End of September debut is out:

Some comments shed more light on the growling:

"Torsson also adds backing vocals and occasional growling vocals, which add just enough without being overbearing."

"'Fallen' is an uptempo rocker with tons of melody and some interspersed growl vocals for effect. Tordsson shares the vocal duties with Redin on 'A Place to Go' and the heavy groove of 'Left of This World', using his pleasant regular singing voice instead of death growls."

Sounds like the male vocalist adds clean vocals on one track and growls on two.
The first full song/video has been posted and released as a digital single. And no growling vocals for those opposed :loco:

Very high quality video! I can't wait until we can see Theocracy in a high-quality video :rock:
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Yeah, I think didn't think much of the teaser, but man I LOVE the single! And they have SO much energy! I just might buy this album!