New W.A.S.P. album

I think it is a great record - but it really lacks one or two really killer songs. Headless had "Mean Man", The Last Command had "Blind In Texas", but this new one just has all good songs and no really great ones. I hope Part 2 has some real classics on it (and louder guitars and more growling,less whining from Blackie).
I think it's slightly better than the Headless Children, track 4 has a killer riff. None of the ablum compares to older WASP but the story line is a different approch for Blackie, I like it.
TakinTheMusicBack said:
Have any of you cunts heard "The Neon God" yet? It's good but no Headless Children.:loco:
It's a great album, it really rules!!!!!!!!!!! but my favorite WASP album has to be "The Last Command". I hope they tour soon , they kick ass alive. :worship:
They actually have tour dates announced. I am going to see them July 31 at the Starland Ballroom in Sayreville, NJ. Hat Trick Of Misery (cool local band) and Joey Belladonna are opening. Should be a fun night.
Chris Holmes, Randy Piper and the crazy drummer from the first WASP album have formed a new band. Don't remember what they're called but if you search the net you'll find it (if you really care...)
WASP is tentatively playing somewhere in VA in july, and im stoked. i like neon god part 1 pretty good. my favorite record is headless children, definitely. i think all of the albums are awesome though, so.