new warrel dane song! it sounds awesome!

Yeah, I guess it is pretty good, and the solo (is it all Loomis?) is freakin' spectacular - but GOD DAMN do I hate his voice, jesus...get off the broadway stage

I honestly think Warrel is nothing less than the best Singer you'll find in a metal band. But I can understand that his pathos isn't something for everyone.
I've always enjoyed his singing. I like his voice, and I think his note choices and harmonies are very creative.

Nevermore definitely puts the lie to the notion I so often hear repeated that clean vocals can't work over dissonant, heavy music.

I liked the track, and I'm curious to hear his take on Lucretia, if only because I'm a huge Sisters fan.
I like Warrel...I like the fact that whenever I hear him it's undeniably "Warrel". He has the rate commodity of a having a distinctive style in a genre full of clones.

I was indifferent to "The Messenger" for the most part. Well recorded/performed but unwhelmed by the writing/arrangement on the first listen. We'll see if it's a grower....
Man, I am really digging this album. Definitely more rock than metal, but the songs are for the most part fantastically written (thanks for that, Warrel and Peter; you might want to send In Flames a memo). :p

Not really a fan of Peter's rhythm guitar tone here, but the rest of the production is really good, so I'm willing to overlook it!