New website online - check it out

I can also create air bubbles in a bath tub....The sound I should point out depends somewhat on the depth of the water and even more on the tub. If it is one of those big old heavy tubs with the funny legs you can get terrific sound effects....

Checked ur website under Firefox!:yuk: and you will be surprised to know it works fine.:Spin:

<------------- but you know this is the only reason i posted on here
zombie_dod said:
Its The Barrett from an unpleasant angle while at work, obviously I use the word 'work' in the loosest possible sense.

hmm..well i'm not gonna touch this one..cause i sure as hell don't wanna get my ass kicked by ehmm...nice meeting ya and goodluck..
Lee_B said:
Meh... Damn you and your new camera phone!!

Yes, let's welcome Scott, the living definition of the word "languid" :)

Hmmm coming from a gargantuan laggard I take no offence.

Scott is me, the poor bugger that has to spend 8 hours:tickled: a day mon-fri with Mr Perfect.