New website


Poetic God
Nov 20, 2006
I've got no reliable source to go to anymore.

I need help, my fathers entrusted me with managing a website devoted to diabetes, connecting diabetics and giving tips for people to help take care of themselves.

Can anyone help me out here?

Possibly give me a place to get a forum that open sourced? PHPbb?

And maybe help me contruct the site?

Thank you very much, to anyone who can help.
Try phpBB3beta2.
I spent almost all day on it, and all I got so far was this:

Its got 3 pages, if you like it, tell me.

I used a Yahoo! web hosting account to make it, so its got limited options, I was only able to upload the phpBB version they had, which was an older version then the 1.20 (?) But its adequate (sp?!)
It looks pretty good so far. I'm sure once you get more material and what not up there it'll be gold. The only thing I would change if its even possible is the skin on the forum. I'm just not a big fan of that one :p
My advice would be to pay for a good layout, then learn html/css/php/photoshop well enough over the next year to create tools for your audience (if you want to go that route and make your site into a success) ..otherwise, you're better off just making a blog (which won't cost you a cent) and keep it updated with the latest.

If I were to do this, I would have tools for the diabetic (ie. an ability to keep track of ones diabetic testing online, graphic charts showing their progress, help schedule ones diet and approximate sugar levels etc) all to make the Site unique and a great resource for diabetics.

It's a good idea, but it's not something you do haphazardly and expect it to work out.
I think there's no way around the issue:

You're gonna hafta learn to make a website.

If you cannot do it by hand, just learn Dreamweaver.

None of this shit is rocket science.