New Words on life.......


Beer drinker
Jun 10, 2002
Hi everyone,

I got very inspired by Liz's post when she wrote her poem. So I started writing lyrics and I musy say they are HORRIBLE but this
what I am feeling every day of my life. Life is a painful but wonderful experience. I'm not sure what Im saying here right now, I'm not sur e what everyone is going to think of this but I do hope that there are people who can understand this.

What more can I do
What More Can I say
I have told you how I felt
In so many differnt ways

Instead of listening to me
You only listened to yourself
The words I said meant nothing
But the words that you thought were something

I didn't do anything wrong
I didn't do anything right
There was nothing I can do to make it alright

There's not a day I wish God would take my life away
There's not a day where I wish I can make it all go away
There's not a day I want say goodbye
There's not a day I want to die

The World is full of sorrow
The world is so hollow
The world is full of sadness
But how can the world be full of hapinness

What can we do take all this pain away
What can we do to let it all go astray
What can we do to live and learn
What can we do to forgive and forget

There's so much emptiness
Yet there's so much love
Is life really woth the experience
Is life really worth the pain
Is life really worth the friendships
Is life really worth the hatred
Life itself is beyond love.......
There will come a time when your pain is gone
Forever healing wounds, the journey is long.
Never despair or feel like giving up
Women come and go, sometimes a little too abrupt!

Ten years is way to long
Seventeen for me my friend
It's over now, and I'm in the lead
Forever, never, end!!!!!!
my feelings always change
but generally there're 3 lyrics to describe what the hell surrounds me
dio - strange highways
ozzy - u can't kill rock'n'roll
testament - the ballad

and sometimes, iced earth - melancholy
Hey Liz Metal! I love your signature!
Val of Valhalla

We who are old yet fair of face,
Thousands of years this world did grace,
Beneath the earth away from men,
Our Middle Kingdom it lies hidden.
With sword in hand and our shields by our sides,
We march in hoards we will never subside."