"Policitally incorrect words"

reidie said:
In america and even here in australia too, people who follow religions other than christianity were having a winge about people using the phrase merry christmas. Apparently they felt marginalised as they do not celebrate christmas. What a fucking joke

Sorry, but that is a right wing fantasy. Feel free to believe it however....
ZeeZooZum said:
Sorry, but that is a right wing fantasy. Feel free to believe it however....

Don't be a twat, it is 100% correct. There are plenty of examples of certain public bodies deliberately steering away from any mention of Christmas in any way, here in the UK at least, in case they upset any non-Christians. Like Birmingham City Council renaming it "Winterval". That is FACT. Shower of cunts.
The thing is, most of the non-Christians couldn't give a fuck about Christmas, and celebrate by having the time off, giving each other presents etc. It is just the religious meaning they reject, but it doesn't offend them. It is the left-wing brown-nosers and shirt-lifters who have identified this "risk of offending", not the wailers and monster-worshippers complaining.
TheAssMaster said:
Don't be a twat, it is 100% correct. There are plenty of examples of certain public bodies deliberately steering away from any mention of Christmas in any way, here in the UK at least, in case they upset any non-Christians. Like Birmingham City Council renaming it "Winterval". That is FACT. Shower of cunts.
The thing is, most of the non-Christians couldn't give a fuck about Christmas, and celebrate by having the time off, giving each other presents etc. It is just the religious meaning they reject, but it doesn't offend them. It is the left-wing brown-nosers and shirt-lifters who have identified this "risk of offending", not the wailers and monster-worshippers complaining.

I couldn't read what you said, could you please make the font bigger and brighter? Thanks.
never say you are proud to be white! BIG NO NO!! Everyone else can be proud of their heritage except us evil evil whitemen!

Buzzard said:
Merry Christmas
Proud Republican
Proud of being white and successful
Wealthy or well to do.
Unsympathetic to lazy minorities (on crack)
Against Welfare
Against Affirmative Blacktion (a racist organization)
W.E.T (White Entertainment Television)
Proud to be an American
and the best one - "I post on the Billy Milano message board"
People are so careful these days not to rub people of other ethnic, religeous, sex, gender groups the wrong way. What may I ask is wrong with refering to someone a butterhead, tree climber, shy, smoke, coconut, curry muncher, raft maker, carpet pilot, dink ?? When I use such terminology there is nothing malicious behind it. It is not racist because by definition racism is believing you are better than others based on skin colour. I don't think Im better than anyone else, I just like having a laugh.
I think ripping on people is one of life's simple pleasures, so lets not deprive us all of that enjoyment. If someone hits you with a name, give them one back and both laugh about it. Society needs to pull the shovel out of it's arse, lighten up and stop taking shit so seriously.
Saucy_Jack said:
People are so careful these days not to rub people of other ethnic, religeous, sex, gender groups the wrong way. What may I ask is wrong with refering to someone a butterhead, tree climber, shy, smoke, coconut, curry muncher, raft maker, carpet pilot, dink ?? When I use such terminology there is nothing malicious behind it. It is not racist because by definition racism is believing you are better than others based on skin colour. I don't think Im better than anyone else, I just like having a laugh.
I think ripping on people is one of life's simple pleasures, so lets not deprive us all of that enjoyment. If someone hits you with a name, give them one back and both laugh about it. Society needs to pull the shovel out of it's arse, lighten up and stop taking shit so seriously.

The next time someone calls me a Nazi im gonna call them a raft maker, thats AWESOME!

(i get called that cuz I make fun of this jewish kid we have at work (he begs for it like Kyles cousin Kyle), but so does everyone else but since im white....)
"I have a degenerative problem with my intestinal lining and beef really gives me gaaaas"

Oh geez don't throw it soo fast, I have asthma!

Funny thing is, the jew kid I know, EXACT SAME WAY. He gets up of a chair and hes like "oi vey my arthritic knees" Im like YOUR NOT EVEN A FUCKIN JEW YOU MORON. Hes jewish by association or something, his gay dad (yes..) was a jew..something crazy like that.
I put a rainbow pride sticker on one of my buddies truck bumper without him knowing it. He drove around for about a month before he even seen it. Dude, to say he was pissed is a complete understatement:lol: :lol: :lol: