New workhorse EQ - DMG Audio eQuality

This plug is sooo good when boosting the high frequencies. Does wonders on vocals and overheads, thinking about getting it :)
As in "I already have them all" or in "I'll rely on PTs stock EQs" or in "Fuck Plugins, Outboard ftw" or in "EQ? Wtf, get it right at the source!"? :D

Originally Posted by drew_drummer
All digital EQ's are the same.
With one or two exceptions.

I do most of my drum eqing with channelstrip... although i am digging how the ssl channel makes you approach things.

I mostly use oxford eq for clinical tasks, and then some of the UAD stuff or whatever gets the result for me quickest.

This is all tragically mostly a workflow thing, and I'm sure i could get the same result with one or the other. Im just pissed at paying money to have a different GUI /Curves.

The Abbey road Eqs seem like they do a really cool thing to the highs. again. not sure why.

Im more buying more compressor plugins/ saving for outboard EQ
although i did just get CLA so i might hold off for a bit!

I've got WAY more than enough Eq's
The reason the Abbey Road EQs sound good is because they're some of the only ones that approach the quality of the better Nebula EQ programs. The Waves SSL EQs are laughable in comparison. Really cool way is to just open up the highs on all of them and listen. Abbey Road were some of the only standard ITB EQs I could do that on and still bear what I was listening to.