New World Order/Secret Societies

Manic Ferocity

Active Member
Nov 5, 2006
I believe it's very possible for it to happen and has been talked about publicly for some time. I don't buy into some of the more ridiculous theories (such as 9/11 being an inside job) but I do think there are quite a few things planned that could potentially lead to a New World Order. What are your thoughts on the subject?
I know some people will be pissed off becoz of this thread :p
Well.. i believe that all these events are plot put in practice. It makes sense, a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes that we are not supposed to know about. But this is not more important than to know those who are leaking such information to the public. I believe those people may be a part of them, they externalize and expose these secret societies, and at the same time, they are pushing their ideas (theosophy) forth. Plus, what can an individual do against this, nothing.

This should just be a general thread on conspiracy theories.

Anyway, I think there is stuff that is inevitable (Amero/World Currency, NAU, etc) given the current state of affairs. I don't think you're going to see the slaughter of 5 billion people and then the subsequent insertion of chips into the survivors' brains

I hate the 9/11 Truthers. I want to stab them in the face.
Except most conspiracy theorists are people who blatantly look for loop holes in events with pre-concieved bias. New World Order has been openly stated by politicians at this point and several events throughout American history have pointed to the conquest of this outcome.
Except most conspiracy theorists are people who blatantly look for loop holes in events with pre-concieved bias. New World Order has been openly stated by politicians at this point and several events throughout American history have pointed to the conquest of this outcome.

I enjoy entertaining fanciful ideas about secret societies whose duty it is to preserve historical artifacts, documents and knowledge (like the Masons); but other than that, I haven't given much thought to groups dedicated to bringing about a New World Order. For the most part, I think that the whole "NWO" thing is more of a paranoid creation than anything else, as well as a convenient cash grab for the entertainment business. I'm completely open to the possibility though.
I believe that the Jews have teamed up with the Lizard People running Britain to take away America's guns and make us into one country with the dirty Mexicans and the gay Canadians. The blacks will then steal all our women.

RON PAUL 2012~!
I believe that the Jews have teamed up with the Lizard People running Britain to take away America's guns and make us into one country with the dirty Mexicans and the gay Canadians. The blacks will then steal all our women.

RON PAUL 2012~!

The last sentence was completely out of place. The NWO elite are the consummate racists. They are trying to wipe out "inferior races", not give them women.

Then again, you are in gay Canada so what do you know :p