New World Order/Secret Societies

This is why these kinds of threads never last, at least in Social. The Dodens of the world are too busy referencing South Park and global swindlers to talk about anything seriously, or to at least ignore a conversation they have no use for or interest in.

It's the equivalent of drive-by posting in the soccer thread that soccer sucks, NFL rules.

Threads like this never last because they depend upon people having a serious discussion about wild conspiracy theories.
Which will never happen.
Do you know what would fucking suck? If the government started to slowly take away avocados. Then you know, there wouldn't be any guacamole which is awesome.
ML, you put mayo in your guac? That's strange, I've never heard of that. Other than avocados, I use onions, tomatoes, garlic, and lime juice. Sometimes I throw in something to spice it up a bit.
Yeah, just a bit though. Like a small fork scoop of it.

Once in a while, I put in a bit of hot sauce for some spice.
I dont put anyone on ignore... it seems kinda pointless... because if I see they posted... I'm tempted to read it anyway.