Kinect is a gimmick that shows no signs of having any games with even the slightest amount of depth.
And this new slim 360, jesus christ, yes, what a fucking fantastic idea, our console has over a 50% failure rate because it OVERHEATS and thus BREAKS, let's make a SMALLER VERSION OF IT, because that'll fix the fucking problem!
And you know how they're dealing with it this time around? Giving you a warning that the console's getting too hot and shutting it off until a light stops beeping. I fail to see how that is progress. This is a fucking regression.
i just think its funny that in order to fix an over heating problem they just install an internal killswitch...
why not just put in more fans and better heat sinks ?
What makes you so sure they didn't? They did replace the old two tiny fans with one big ass fan, put in better heat syncs, and changed the cpu layout in relation to everything else.
fair play but if they've worked on these issues already then if they're still having to add in the killswitch option with overheating, that would lead to the question
'why didn't they do the job properly?'
i know they wished to make the xbox fit into a smaller form but i'd be pretty sure the customer would prefer form over function in this instance.
Just look at the ugly ass PS3.
Mine shat out twice , my bro's the same. They make all this technology to break after a few years so you have to buy a new one. I got a Slim model and insured it for 3 years , when that 3 years comes I will trade it in for whatever is out then , all this shit is a ticking time bomb lol. Like you said , N64 and SNES from how long ago still works , and a PS3 or 360 from a year ago could break at any moment. Aside from that , I wanna play Socom 4 with the move , also EA Active 2.0 , already preordered thatWell for what it's worth, I won't be getting one of these. I'm getting both my bricked 360's fixed soon then selling them plus my entire collection. If you can't build a machine that works, don't fucking sell them.
My N64 still works, my bud's snes still works, if I still had my NES I expect that'd still work too. I've only had my PS3 since last december so time shall tell whether it holds out, but they seem fairly sturdy.