new xbox 360 - questions for you gamers

- you can attach memory sticks, usb discs without any hazzle

also works on xbox afaik, havent tested ext. disks. but I think it only plays videos, pictures and audio from that due to copyprotection.
and castle crashers is a top notch game, waiting for dishwasher: dead samurai atm, will be out soon, as it is already gold :D
god I waited so long for this game.

best reason for xbox atm is, that you can program your own games easily and that there are thousands of people doing the same and offering it via live (at least in the us)
and you can do illegal stuff with it :X
I bought Fable 2 and LOVE it. IMO It's better than the first Game. Also bought Halo 3 the grafics look ugly as fuck. What the hell were they thinking?
I ordered gears of war 1+2 and mass effect. curious about mass effect. I hope it's as good as KOTOR 1+2