New York Death Metal Engineers Needed!!!!!


off topic user
Dec 29, 2005
brooklyn, ny
hey everyone! since that there are many talented engineers/producers on this forum its my pleasure to give you guys first dibs on this upcoming project...

my friend and i have 5 songs that we need to record immediately!
you can hear our "demo" @

we would prefer someone who has experience with modern death metal production such as bands like arsis, amon amarth, in flames, dark tranquility, cradle of filth, dissection, abigail williams etc.

we are located in brooklyn but we might be willing to troop out to buttfuck, nowhere if the price is right. feel free to email me about info and rates @
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm will do thx bro

. . . just checked it out, sounds pretty good but a little too much on the old school side. that very well may have been the band's choice since their music (which is pretty fuckin sweet) calls for that kinda vibe.

we are looking for a more modern, ballz to the mothafuckin wallz, kinda sound ya know?
Hertz Studios, overseas but they do some awesome metal production, one being Kronos' Hellenic Terror. Fuckin' LOVE the production on that album.

Damage Studios is based out of Mass. and is essentially just one guy that travels around recording people... he's friggan awesome.

This is one of his bands/recordings... Graveheart

sounds sweet as fuck, unfortunately we have a small ass rehearsal space so i cant imagine fitting any more gear into that room. ideally we need a place where we can book that has engineers that know the deal as far as modern metal is concerned...

006, too bad overseas is out of the question, this is our first EP so our budget is very scarce! we are two ghetto kids from brooklyn d00d!
Unsilpauly who used to post here more often has a studio in Mass, and I've heard some good stuff on his page. Can't remember the name of his studio, though...
just an update for anyone that is interested. . .

thanks to everyone who gave us your recommendations! we are very close to hiring one of the engineers that contacted us as soon as he gets back to us regarding some minor details. we are feeling pretty good about this guy but just to be on the safe side we are asking him if we can talk to some satisfied customers, do u guys think that is reasonable?

GUYS!!! (and gals:lol:) if you like our music and are anywhere near the tri-state area and think you can do a kickass job for a good price, this is your last chance to get the job!:danceboy:
AW did some of their shit up at Hollow Studios - search the "new AW album" thread posted by James Murphy a bit back.
well i tracked most of their bass guitar and lead solos there... but all the rhy guitars, my solo, some bass, and some vox were done at my place here in FL... the drums were done between a studio in Norway and Big Blue Meanie in NJ, and the rest of the vox were done at Legend in NY. i mixed at my place in FL.

Joe and Max over at Hollow are good people though, and i gave them some pointers for tracking metal drums.

so def worth looking into.
well i tracked most of their bass guitar and lead solos there... but all the rhy guitars, my solo, some bass, and some vox were done at my place here in FL... the drums were done between a studio in Norway and Big Blue Meanie in NJ, and the rest of the vox were done at Legend in NY. i mixed at my place in FL.

Joe and Max over at Hollow are good people though, and i gave them some pointers for tracking metal drums.

so def worth looking into.

Damn. Is that how most projects end up going? With it all over the place.
hey everyone! i just want to thank everyone again who helped us search for the perfect engineer/studio! we liked some of the tracks from the guys who reached us like karl but we actually ended up working with paul this time. (both fellow sneapsters) but he gave us an offer that we simply couldn't refuse!:kickass:

we noticed a lot more plays thank usual on our myspace so what do you guys think about the songs? would you be interested in mixing some of the tracks after we record them this weekend?:Smokin: