New Zyklon album and concerts

Astral Poetry

"Eros! Your hand...!"
Mar 21, 2003
"'s missing!"
I'm impatiently waiting for the new Zyklon album "Aeon". Its been a long time coming, but it will be worth the wait. Anyway, I'm also even more impatiently waiting for them to come on another US tour. If anyone on here has seen them, give a summary of how awesome (of course) they were.
Charubic Murder said:
I'm impatiently waiting for the new Zyklon album "Aeon". Its been a long time coming, but it will be worth the wait. Anyway, I'm also even more impatiently waiting for them to come on another US tour. If anyone on here has seen them, give a summary of how awesome (of course) they were.

This is excellent news. I love Zyklon. Excellent band...World Ov Worms is an amazing album. Hopefully they'll come somewhere close and I can view the chaos up close and personal.
World Ov Worms was fucking horrible.
How do so many people like that album?Yes, yes.It's all opinion and whatever but the riffs are so bland and the drumming is ridiculously triggered.
The first song has it's moments though.
The drums are rdiculously triggered??? whaaa?? Trym is an awesome and extremely talented drummer; he doesn't need triggers to cheat, and if you mean triggered for a different sound.....I can't really tell what you mean, they don't sound bad at all. You'll find ridiculously triggered drums in Dimmu Borgir or Decapitated, not Zyklon.

Riffs are bland? Yes, i'd agree with that, but what albums aren't full of bland riffs? All metal music has shitty unremarkable rhythm riffs pummelling away in the foreground or background, but that's not what Zyklon's about. It's the fucking atmosphere! The restrained but cold electronics and spacey passages, the chillingly filtered vocals, the futuristic but spiritually black and desolate lyrics and themes.....what's not to like about Zyklon?

They fucking kick ass, end of story.
LordFireworm said:
World Ov Worms was fucking horrible.
How do so many people like that album?Yes, yes.It's all opinion and whatever but the riffs are so bland and the drumming is ridiculously triggered.
The first song has it's moments though. I really like how you make the conscious decision to say stupid bullshit that only a dumb fuck would say. It's...cute in it's own way.
Soilent Goat said: I really like how you make the conscious decision to say stupid bullshit that only a dumb fuck would say. It's...cute in it's own way.

Yes, I'm a comedic goldmine.
Zyklon are still an atrocious band.
Actually, seeing as you're so fond of their take on death metal, I'll send you some tapes of me playing open E over a drum machine doing 220 bpm.
Hell, I'll throw in some pseudo-intellectual lyrics about science fiction too.
Email me your address and I'll have it you by Friday.
Charubic Murder said:
I'm impatiently waiting for the new Zyklon album "Aeon". Its been a long time coming, but it will be worth the wait. Anyway, I'm also even more impatiently waiting for them to come on another US tour. If anyone on here has seen them, give a summary of how awesome (of course) they were.

I am not a huge fan of Zyklon, but I saw them live on the Extreme Music for Extreme People tour with Exhumed and Morbid Angel a year or two ago. I was unfamiliar with the band at that time, and thought it was pretty good. They had a great heavy and aggressive sound. Of course they paled in comparison to Exhumed, which slayed all, but I very much enjoyed it.

When I got the CD, though, I was slightly disappointed. I totally agree with the comments on the drums, that is also one of my biggest complaints about Emperor's sound. They use that awful typewriter-sound double bass that just goes tickita-tickita-tickita from beginning to end of what seems like every song.

Just my humble opinion.
Your opinion is awful! Tyrm is one of the best! You say, "So, what does that have to do with him drum sound?" I say, "Since its him, it is the best." But then, Hellhammer has a terrible drum sound! So you are right! Nevermind!

...Though I still like it:cool:
"WEEEEEE"RRRRRRRRRRRE FROOOOOOOOOM NOOOOOOOOORWAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"-Secthdamon, Worcester MA, 2001
xenophobe said:
Lordfireworm, who would you say is a good band, Six Feet Under? :p

Oh, and Zyklon is Black Metal. Fool. :lol:

I know we could sit here and argue about genres all day, but I think there might be more than a few people that would say that Zyklon is more death metal than black metal. Of course it depends on how you define it, but..... Just my humble opinion.
xenophobe said:
Lordfireworm, who would you say is a good band, Six Feet Under? :p

Oh, and Zyklon is Black Metal. Fool. :lol:

Why would I like Six Feet Under?
Just because they're the antithesis to Zyklon's pure metal fury?
Nigga' please.That's such a weak arguement.
Zyklon just don't know how to write songs.Immolation can write songs.As can Insision, Krisiun, Cryptopsy and dozens more.I just find Zyklon boring as shit.
Also, it's all metal.I don't care what anal sub-genre they fall under.