
hibernal dream

An absent friend
Mar 1, 2004
Columbus, OH
Hello, I'm new to the OL community [and the UM community as well] I have taken a quick liking to OL. I only have a few MP3's on my computer, but from what I've heard, it's quite amazing. The combination of the Middle Eastern sounds and the death-metal sound added with the slower aspects, put me in a state of awe. I want to buy some of their music, but I've looked around for it and there are no stores around here that carry it. Also I don't want to wait for Mabool to arrive in the US, [I want it now!] So I might order it from somewhere, but I hate waiting. :erk:

Anyway, I just want to say that your music is amazing, and very influential [from the little I've heard anyway]

P.S - If anyone knows where I can hear at least a song of Mabool, It would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advace.
welcome bro!

You can order our stuff through on line stores or to wait untill April 6th which the album will be released in the U.S. you definitly need to hold the ltd/ edition with the bonous cd!

Meanwhile, go to and enter the special site, there is also a song for download there :)