Newbie looking for feedback on mix/material


New Metal Member
Nov 4, 2015
Hi guys, I'm new to the forums. I've been checking out the forums for the past few months learning from all you guys. I play guitar as hobby. I've recorded some things before using reaper, ez drummer and pitch shifted my guitar for bass. Didn't really do anything other than gain staging and that's it. That was okay for doing quick things. Recently I made it a challenge to myself write my own stuff and make it sound decent for me to share with my friends, etc. Keeps me busy and out trouble. It's been a challenge and learned a lot of my guitar playing (not as sharp as I thought I was).

Anyways, I used Studio One, Bias on guitars, Trillian for bass, superior drummer 2.0, etc. Guitar for song 1 is my Les Paul studio and song 2 is my EVH Wolfgang guitar.

I learned a lot of techniques between the first song and the second one so they don't sound exactly the same. I like song 2 better and it's funner to play.

I just want some feedback on the mixes and let me know if the music is decent and passes for metal. lol



Song 1:

Song 2:
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I'm worked on a new song this weekend (fyi... I've been listening to Lamb of God here lately). It's still a work in progress and need more parts. I have not done quad tracking before so I decide to give it a try this time. I was very happy with the result. I also did more takes to get the riffs to line up better (I've been overlooking this and I can still improve). I think the low end could be a little tighter but I think that will come with more practice, better monitoring system and better room. I will probably listen to this in my car this week and get inspired to come up with more parts for this weekend.

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