Newbie Question Thread.


New Metal Member
Sep 28, 2011
Hello Everyone,

I'm new here in fact this is my first post. My name is Chris. I'm new to the audio production world. I was asked by a group of friends in a death metal band to help them record a demo and get it to a finished stage. I'm computer smart just need to be taught something once and I'm good to go but audio production is a whole new world for me. I'm hoping to rely on this forum to help me through difficult situations I run into.

Set Up:
Hp Computer:
AMD Phenom II 960t quad core processor
8 GB DDR3 System Ram
1.5 TB Hard Drive
Running windows 7 64 bit
Sound Blaster audigy 2 pro sound card

Sonar X1
Superior drummer 2.2.3 running metal foundry expansion
Addictive Drums 1.5 (just switched to superior and I love it way more then addictive)
EWQL Symphonic Orchestra Gold
Magnus Choir
Guitar Rig 4.0

The main question I have right now is i just recently switch over to superior drummer 2.2.3 with metal foundry expansion and I figured out all the midi mapping since originally we recorded in addictive drums off a yamaha dtxplorer kit.

The problem I have is i can't get the full sound out of superior drummer and IU know its due to my velocity settings which is weird because it sounds great in addictive drums but it just doesn't have a full kit sound when I play it in superior drummer. My question is I have included a picture of what my midi notes look like on a line for the snare drum and I would like to know where you guys run your settings and how should I seperate each note out on a velocity scale to make it not have the machine gun effect. Also is there an easier way then clicking each note and changing the velocity manually?


Thank you all in advance for your help!!!!!
Check the master volume IN superior, if its up at max it blows the sound out and you dont hear certain parts of the kit, that could be the problem.
Also, in Superior (from my experience), the drums just sound too dull and weak for normal hits unless the velocity is cranked pretty high. It's frustrating when I use stuff I programmed for other samplers and play it in Superior, and the drums sound like crap. Easy for me to fix in Cubase, but I don't have a clue about Sonar.
Also is there an easier way then clicking each note and changing the velocity manually?

Not sure about Sonar.. BUT, there should be a "humanize" option, could be under quantize-options if it's not it's own choice on the menu..
You should be able to humanize the velocities only..

So messing with the velocities seems to have fixed my problem. I was wondering if I can get some suggestions on what to run velocities at for the drum kit. I use cymbals,double bass, toms and snare including blast beats on some songs please let me know suggestions for velocity of these pieces.

It depends on what you want it to sound like man. Try using higher velocities for slower parts and lower velocities for faster parts. As that's how a drummer would play it in real life. You can also get into making left hand hits softer than right hand hits and having the start of drum rolls harder than the end of them. Really humazing drums is a pretty big subject (Joey Sturgis was going to write a book about it in fact)