Newbie Says Hola!


New Metal Member
Jul 26, 2003
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Hola! How are you? I'm new here and just wanted to introduce myself! I found the Morrigan's Pit site through the Kreator official site to check out the interview w/ Kreator and I really like the site alot! I hope I can have some discussions w/ y'all about heavy metal and get to know you all! Thanks for reading, take care and adios!
Hola! I'm from Texas but my mother is from Spain. I was a HUGE metal fan when I was a teenager, then after the grunge stuff came along metal sort of disappeared from the local record stores down here and it became kind of hard to follow what was going on. It's just in the last two years that I've gotten reconnected w/ metal through the internet and I am trying to catch up on everything. Haha. Anyways that's sort of what's up with me. How are all of you doing?
I've been into metal since over 20 years and even though things were a bit low in the early nineties, I never really lost touch with the metalscene. My husband and I both got much more fanatic again after we got internet, that's for sure!! And we met the best of friends too!! Look at Nico's photopage, look at our sites, and this zine.... nothing but good comes from connecting metal with internet :headbang: :D
Hola! Yeah it seems like the internet has really brought fans who maybe got out of it back in and fans who never got out of it even more in than they were. The internet has been good for metal I think.