Newcomer Approaches...!


Power/Prog Devotee
Apr 9, 2008
I hope I haven't managed to miss an intro thread...

Anyways, just wanted to say that I think Theocracy is producing some of the best and most original power metal out there. I've had the self-titled for a few months now and keep find myself returning to it, so I figured I'd come here and say so. It's great stuff (fav songs: "Ichthus" and "Theocracy"), really epic, and the lyrics are powerful without being overly preachy. (It's cool that Edguy is a major inspiration when the themes are so different; I love both bands.)

Also, Matt, if you somehow ever tire of what you're doing now, you could quite honestly be the metal Weird Al. I absolutely bust a gut on the "Mirror of Souls" "preview", and of course there's the "St. Anger" classic. Masterful parody.

Can't wait for "Mirror of Souls" (and neither can my friend, who I introduced), and--oh, man, does this sound trite--hoping for a tour to go with it. :)
I hardly ever have time to visit my forums nowadays, but welcome (only a month late)!

Thanks for being a fan - I know Matt, Jon and Shawn appreciate it!!
