Newest song in progress

Guitars sound a bit fizzy...what are you using?

And I would replace at least the kick. This DFH, right?
I know what you mean. I wasn't going for super smooth (for the intro, or are you talking about the heavy part?), but this is the best sound I've gotten out of the tones so far. I am using Studio Devil Amp Pro.

The drums are EZdrummer, but it's the pop rock kit. I really never have liked the boxy sound of DFH. I have it, but I honestly think the pop rock kit stands out more. I could switch it and see how it would sound, but I am not going for a death metal type drum sound here.
I have to finish this song up, but unfortunately I suck at transitions within songs. I am glad you like it!

Do you think it will really sound much better? That sounds really nice. I am using Logic Pro.. do I have to save the midi files somehow?
Yeh, the guitars sound extremely muddy. Perhaps try some different impulses or some EQing? They also sound a bit quieter in the mix, bring them up some :)