Newest work (Emarosa drums..ect..)


Nov 20, 2009
Hey guys just wanted to post something on my newest work I've done recently. Definitely would say this is one of my favorite projects I've gotten to produce and mix and all. Drums are all live and sampled for consistency (no other samples were blended..I even used his kick 100%) Guitars are an egnater and bass is sans amp rbi. Let me know what you think!

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brette344, great song and cool mix! :kickass:
Just would like to make the lead guitar quieter a bit on 2:39 (it's currently dominating over the vocal).
Like it heaps.
Good mix, increase vox a smudge, and lead at 2:39 down with little less treble (as already mentioned).
I like how it doesn't sound like every other mix on this forum.
I definitely agree with everyone about the lead and bringing the vocals up just a tiny bit. I also think the lead sounds a little louder than it actually is because we did "oohs" that follow the notes of the lead that are panned hard left and right. Bu thanks for the kind words guys!