News from my backyard- Student Shot

that is very sad, three things i hate, people teasing somone, guns and suicide and they all seem to go together all to well.

I'm sorry man
Wow...that's pretty sad.

One of my fiancés' students stabbed himself in the bathroom after his class last year. Thankfully, someone found him before it was too late. The kid never did return to the school, though.
You alluded to BLB and I, and our budding rivalry (no pun intended) but that is all in fun, and is really just a parody. Whenever my colleagues and I see bullying and constant teasing going on at our school, we put the hammer down on the culprit. Right now, I can say with ease we have one of the best school systems going in Southern Ohio, so I don't see something like this happening any time soon *knocks on wood.* Any time you read about something like this, it reminds you to be proactive, and not reactive about these situations. I'm in constant communication with our guidance counselor, school psych., home to school counselor, and other personnell about the psyche of the kids I see day in and day out.
Jono said:
It was so easy in school to become the bully especially after you're bullied. I deffinately regret some of the things I did. I Like to think i wasn't too evil... but still.
It's a natural thing at this point to pick on others, because of our sad, sad culture. I remind the kids that get picked on, that at the end of the day, by putting up with this crap, and rising above it: THEY WIN. I was a pretty shy kid, but thru that, I became a good judge of character, and developed a big heart to help people out. When we overcome our adversities, they turn into strengths.
ian442, I completely identify with what you went through. I got picked on/beat down/humiliated all the time until i was about 18. shit when I broke my foot they took away my crutches took them apart and threw the pieces out in the football field. they stepped on my foot and called me faker because I didn't wear a cast. and that's but one of several dozen events that took place that convinced me that the world was shit in general. what got me through it was my best friend, old metallica (fade to black is still my favorite song) and my faith in God ( i know in general anthrax, slayer, etc fans are supposed to blame religion for a lot of the problems of the world) but without those three things i would not have made it through without showing all of the assholes in my world my knowledge of ballistics or turning it on myself. On the bright side those same people end up being embarassed for what they did when you call them on it years later when you are doing ok and they are scraping the bottom. Go ahead and face them down. they remember what they did and they are very friendly. just tell them to leave your kids alone or they will truly see what you are capable of. You can make all the gun laws you want but if you push someone to the edge it really doesn't matter what you do. "Breaking a man is like hunting for bear" if you corner someone like that, he/she is going to do whatever it takes to get out of that corner.
The God of Hellfire said:
You can make all the gun laws you want but if you push someone to the edge it really doesn't matter what you do. "Breaking a man is like hunting for bear" if you corner someone like that, he/she is going to do whatever it takes to get out of that corner.

Very true. If a person have to take to much shit he or she stops seeing the bully as a person and sees them as a problem in shoes (I know I did), and problems are made for taking care of. Whenever I listen to "Room for one more" I think of the guy who picked on me for 9 years and remember his fucking attitude. It wasn´t the physical beating that I remember the most (even though it did hurt like fuck, and then convulsions in your body when your are getting strangeled are scary) but the thing that gives me nightmares still is the way he planned everything and he did spend a lot of time coming up with new things to do to me, so in a way I must have been an important person in his life, someone to dump his shit on.
Wow. I didn't think this thread would take off the way it did.

It seems that bullied/shy kids listen to Heavy Metal to get through the day.
You guys said that you were bullied and, I don't know, "troubled"???
And music helped you.
That's what music is made for. Charlie has said that he wants the music to "take you away", or something to that effect.
Maybe the reason Metal took off in the 80s was because there were so many kids in these kinds of situations. And they listened to Anthrax, Slayer, Metallica, etc. for comfort?
Unfortunately, these days, the kids bring guns to school.
I was the shy kid too. I had some people pick on me, and sure enough, heavy metal music made me feel better. But now I get a long with everyone I meet. Unless they piss me off.

This is very interesting. Remember when Judas Preist was sued for having music that made a kid kill himself? Maybe he was really depressed and the music wasn't enough help for him.
If I get a chance, I'll do a research paper on this...
Bill Hicks had that Priest thing in his act, hillarious... "I am Satan, destroyer of stereos!"

Mike Bordin said is best, when asked why people like aggressive music "Grizzly music for grizzly feeling kids!"
I was a keep it to myself type of kid. I wasn't bullied but I didn't hang out in any groups. Listening to metal and studying, I now have been working at Intel for 9 years after having served in the army for 4 years, achieved an overrall GPA of 3.9 in college. Metal keeps me sane.!!:Spin:

The world didn't know what it was going to get but it got a heavily tattooed intelligent metal loving person:headbang:
tattooguy I only pulled a 3.75 but i did manage a 30 on the mcats and now I'm here in medschool and I have to listen to people argue about how many fucking jon mayer albums they have(the record is held by a heterosexual male amazingly enough) I'd love to shove some metal up thier ass but that would be wrong because that would kill them. Shit I had the old Dio page as my wall paper and I was told it was too scary. I told them it was my pop up buster but they still wined that they were scared. now I wish I was still a plumber. doctors are pussies. and I hate that. on a side note everyone do your selves a favor and get an iron fire album they fucking rock.
tattooedsean666 said:
I was a keep it to myself type of kid. I wasn't bullied but I didn't hang out in any groups. Listening to metal and studying, I now have been working at Intel for 9 years after having served in the army for 4 years, achieved an overrall GPA of 3.9 in college. Metal keeps me sane.!!:Spin:

The world didn't know what it was going to get but it got a heavily tattooed intelligent metal loving person:headbang:

Yeah, fuck the stereotype, there are a lot of ambitious, intelligent metalheads! :headbang: