news from my crazy life

Josh Seipp

Nov 19, 2003
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I can't remember if I've posted any of this stuff here or not...

I was in the hospital (again - not as bad as last time but not good fo course) for a week last month and let me tell you, those are some weird places. You kind of lose touch with reality when you're trapped in a bed staring at a wall (or a TV that is stuck in the corner of the room at a perfect angle for you to develop a permanent crick in your neck). Thank god for the narcotics they kept pumping into my arm or I would have gone insane. Anyway, I'm mostly better now except for losing a bunch of weight (mostly muscle) so I'm just trying to get that back. If you know me, you know that losing weight isn't really something I needed to do.

I bought a house on Friday. Signing papers committing you to borrowing huge sums of money on them is terrrrifying; mix that with the giddiness of buying a house that is practically perfect for you and you get a very interesting emotional effect.

Here it is:



Also, having a baby, due September 1st. I think it's going to be a girl but that's just a hunch. Here it is:


Looks kind of like an alien jelly bean, huh?
so is this officially a grown-up board where we discuss our mortgages and investments and kids' baseball games yet? I think so! I need some of all three of the above.
best of luck with all that shiznit, josh.

Seems like only yesterday you were hanging out at metal fests and getting your backpack stolen by war criminals.
don't worry (as if), i'm still just full of the same old shit. i'm taking a job at a summer camp in maine. tonight i'll be brooklyn seeing some ultra nerdy bands with, uh, one of my famous friends.
I almost severed a finger, I don't suppose that is very grown up. But I did it cooking instead causing mischief, so I guess it kinda is.
What the.. Babies? Mortgages? What the hell is going on here!? I hope you're putting Morbid Angel on and keeping the speaker close to your baby momma's belly. If the baby isn't doing blast beats and raising the fucking goatskull right out of the womb I'm going to be extremely dissapointed.

Shit should I have a mortgage? Maybe a child, though a girlfriend first would be nice. WHERE IS MY LIFE GOING!?