News from PECCATUM gangstaz

Things have been somewhat quiet around former EMPEROR maestro Ihshan's abode, but as of late, musical activity between his wife Ihriel and himself has begun to surface. Ihsahn gives BW&BK a glimpse on what's to come. "Ihriel is just about finished with her solo album. It's called STAR OF ASH and the album will be called Iter.Viator. This will be released on Jester Records (run by Kris Rygg of ULVER/ARCTURUS fame) in early October. It's a bit hard to describe musically, but it has touches of classical, pop, rock, jazz, electronic... it's very atmospheric and definitely something out of the ordinary. Personally, I am absolutely thrilled! So now we’re starting the work with the next PECCATUM album. It is impossible to say when and how this will turn out but we are all very excited about it and I think we have a lot of new ideas and influences that we look forward to trying out."
