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Jan 20, 2002
Atlanta, Georgia
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I just read Katatonia interview (in finnish) from Imperiumi interviewed Anders in ICQ-discussion some time ago. So I'll translate most interesting parts in english. There's some very interesting news for us fans.

Imperiumi: You recorded 15 songs at Viva Emptiness sessions, but only 13 of them ended up on album.

Anders: We left out songs that felt weakest and that we found no fitting place on the album. I don't yet know, who'll use those two songs, since there probably won't be any singles taken from the album.

I: What can you tell us about the rumor that Avantgarde is going to release your minicds as a compilation?

A: The record will include Saw You Drown and Sounds of Decay-minis and two songs that were previously available only on War Music's compilation. I don't have any info about the release date, but Avantgarde is working in co-operation with Century Media, which will handle the distribution in US. I also heard that US record label The End is going to release Saw You Drown as vinyl, limited to 555 copies.

I: As discussion goes to side tracks, one piece of news appear that'll interest Katatonia fans.

A: We are making a dvd. I don't know yet, is it going to be released alone or as Viva Emptiness bonus disc. It'll contain our Krakow-gig, some "behind the scenes" material and unreleased Teargas-video and hopefully also video of the song Evidence from the new album.
Clayman77 said:
A: We are making a dvd. I don't know yet, is it going to be released alone or as Viva Emptiness bonus disc. It'll contain our Krakow-gig, some "behind the scenes" material and unreleased Teargas-video and hopefully also video of the song Evidence from the new album.

A DVD with live recordings, Teargas Video and Evidence Video :eek: ???????YES, YES, YES!!!!! I want that as soon as possible!!!!! :Smokin: :rock: :hotjump: