News on Riot.


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
On Friday January 27th the day of RIOT`s performance in Las Vegas, Pete Perez fell down at Mark's house in Long Island and suffered a major blow to his head, he was rushed to the hospital around 7:30am after not knowing where he was, what day it was or even who he was. Doctors told Mark they did not want Pete to get on the airplane but wanted him to stay over night so test could be performed to see if any other injuries had taken place.

After several hours in the hospital, Pete started to come around but still was a bit foggy on what happened to him, Mark told him what had happen and what the doctors wanted to do, so Pete had no choice but to stay in the hospital that night for more test.

The rest of the band did not want to cancel the day of the show after all ready having to re schedule these shows, so they decided to board the air craft with out Pete to perform as a four piece. The boys played all the hits and each night made an announcement about Pete's condition and why he was night going to be performing with the band.

Meanwhile, a friend of Franks went to see Pete at the hospital on Saturday, he was doing much better and asked about the band, he told him that they went on with out him to perform as a four piece. Pete was happy to see that they where doing the shows but was sad that he was not their, the doctors where still not sure why he fill down and some of the tests had not come back yet, so Pete stayed in for a second night.

The band would like to thank all the fans who made there way to each show, this was a history making weekend for RIOT but all of you supported them so well, hats off to all our fans.

Pete will return to San Antonio on Tuesday, he will need to rest and recoup from his medical condition, therefore the band will have to re schedule FRIDAY FEBRUARY 3rd at JAXX the band just will not be able to reset this soon and are very sorry to all the fans that where going to this show, but the band just can not make it at this time.

Just weird if you ask me :ill:
Sounds like a hard hit on the noggin. Too much booze will do that to you. Or whatever. I'm sure we're not getting the whole story here. Judging from the warmer than usual winter season in New York, I'm sure he didn't slip on the ice.

RIOT TRIVIA TIDBIT: One of my best friends married Rick Ventura's ex-wife. She's gorgeous. Not that this has any bearing on the subject at hand. Just thought I'd mention it. :D

NP: Slayer - Season in the Abyss
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Sounds like a hard hit on the noggin. Too much booze will do that to you. Or whatever. I'm sure we're not getting the whole story here. Judging from the warmer than usual winter season in New York, I'm sure he didn't slip on the ice.

NP: Slayer - Season in the Abyss

A friend of mine played bass for 2 songs with them at the Utah show.
Check out the Kategory V board on U.M. Dustin rules!

My one Riot story (not that it fits, but it's not good enough for its own thread either):

The band I was in when I lived out in Cali played an opening slot for them for their stop in San Francisco. We had showed up really early to get our stuff set up and get ready for a soundcheck. They let us and another opener in but Riot was still farting around with their soundcheck. They continued to goof around until we had just barely enough time to get our gear up on the stage. No soundcheck, no nothing. We were all totally pissed off. It ended up being the best show we ever played and a helluva lot of fun. I still hate those bastards though. :D
Wheezer said:
My one Riot story (not that it fits, but it's not good enough for its own thread either):

The band I was in when I lived out in Cali played an opening slot for them for their stop in San Francisco. We had showed up really early to get our stuff set up and get ready for a soundcheck. They let us and another opener in but Riot was still farting around with their soundcheck. They continued to goof around until we had just barely enough time to get our gear up on the stage. No soundcheck, no nothing. We were all totally pissed off. It ended up being the best show we ever played and a helluva lot of fun. I still hate those bastards though. :D

Was that with DiMeo on vox or before that?
J-Dubya 777 said:
A friend of mine played bass for 2 songs with them at the Utah show.
Check out the Kategory V board on U.M. Dustin rules!


you mean this J-dub?


...and t'was a dream come true! :headbang:

it sound like Pete is doing just fine - and things should be back to normal form what I've heard - just in time for the rest of their upcoming shows!

Dustin said:
...and t'was a dream come true! :headbang:

You sir, are one helluva lucky man! I can't even imagine what it would be like to play with Riot... Congrats!

it sound like Pete is doing just fine - and things should be back to normal form what I've heard - just in time for the rest of their upcoming shows!

Keeping my fingers crossed for Pete...
One of my favorite, if not the most favorite bass players ever! :worship:
SickBoy said:
Keeping my fingers crossed for Pete...
One of my favorite, if not the most favorite bass players ever! :worship:

Same here not only in Riot just check him in Spastic Ink, a complete master.
Wyvern said:
Same here not only in Riot just check him in Spastic Ink, a complete master.

Yeah, I know he's all over the fretboard in Spastic Ink and the level of musicianship is generally absurdly high there, but I can't stand their noodling... Like a drill that digs a hole in my brain. :)
SickBoy said:
Yeah, I know he's all over the fretboard in Spastic Ink and the level of musicianship is generally absurdly high there, but I can't stand their noodling... Like a drill that digs a hole in my brain. :)

It's the masochistical part of me that like it :tickled:
Dustin said:
you mean this J-dub?


...and t'was a dream come true! :headbang:

it sound like Pete is doing just fine - and things should be back to normal form what I've heard - just in time for the rest of their upcoming shows!


How could I NOT figure you lurked around here! :)
Yep, that's the one! I wish I could have been there, that must have been awesome! :D

J-Dubya - Hopes you showed them mangina!